Abduction and adduction of the legs as well as lateral raising and lowering of the arms in the jump (jumping jack) / knee lift (skipping) ► jumping jack / high knees

Increase pulse
Auxiliary means
Ohne Hilfsmittel / klassisch / eigenes Körpergewicht
Body part
Whole body

Individual work

Duration (mm:ss)
Topic description

Two exercises are performed in constant alternation to increase the heart rate:
running in place, whereby the intensity is constantly varied and the knees are occasionally raised to the height of the navel (skipping). In the other exercise, from an upright position (feet almost together), the legs are spread out to the side while hopping (jumping) and then brought back together to the starting position. As you spread your legs apart, simultaneously raise your arms, which are stretched out and resting against your body, over your head (holding them up). When closing the legs, the arms are brought back to the body. The movement is colloquially known as a jumping jack.

Integrate other intensive exercises: Jumps in place (pull your knees up to your chest each time), alternating squats and stretch jumps, alternating push-ups and stretch jumps, etc.


No material required
