All participants line up in a circle. Person A calls out the name of person B, A throws the ball to B and runs after the thrown ball. As soon as B has caught the ball, another participant calls out their name (C) and the ball is thrown to C before A arrives at their place (B). Tip: running slowly generates more time for the next throw.
If the ball is badly thrown, not caught or the thrower is already at the catcher's place before the catcher has thrown the ball, various exercises can be integrated as an "additional task" (e.g. push-ups, squats, jumping jacks, etc.).
Ball is thrown to B, the person to the left of B must move;
Ball is thrown to B, B calls "right/left", person to the right or left must move;
Ball is passed to B via the floor, meaning the person to the right of B moves, or the ball is thrown in the air and the person to the left of B moves.