Marker cones are used to define a running route between 2 painting sticks (total distance between 30-60 metres - e.g. a distance of 10-20 metres between the painting sticks and a cone in front of the painting sticks, also 10-20 metres apart, to run around or distribute the cones in a semi-circle between the painting sticks). Two groups line up behind one colouring stick each. On a command, the first runners in each group start running. As soon as the two runners meet on the track, they play rock-paper-scissors (scissors beats paper, rock beats scissors, paper beats rock). The winner continues to run along the track (in the direction of the other group). At the same time as the duel ends, the next runner in the group starts on the track of the group that lost the rock-paper-scissors game. The next time the two runners meet on the track, they play rock-paper-scissors again. The duel continues until one group reaches the other group's colouring stick, which results in a victory point. The exercise then starts all over again.