Frisbee baseball (Brennball)

Forms of play / exercises
Auxiliary means
Ball, Ball (Blitzball/Rugby/Football), Markierkegel/-hütchen, Reifen, Wurfscheibe (Frisbee)

Group work

2 teams

Duration (mm:ss)
Topic description

Two teams play against each other, with one group representing the throwing team and the other the catching team. The roles are swapped halfway through the game (define the number of throws or set a time). Two marker cones mark the throwing zone, behind which all players of team A line up. Four further marker cones (placed in a rectangle) symbolise the running track. Team B lines up along the entire running track within the playing field.

Two runners from team A get ready to throw. One player holds the rugby ball, the other the throwing disc. At the same time, they throw the ball into the pitch. After each throw, both participants run to the first marker cone on the running track. The players of team B try to get the throwing disc to the "burning point" (hoop) as quickly as possible. The second task of the field team is to line up in a column and pass the ball between their legs to the last player. The last player in the line is usually the player who placed the disc in the hoop. So if the disc is in the hoop, all field players have touched the ball and passed it between their legs to a team-mate, the entire team B shouts "Stop" as soon as the last player in the one-man column has received the ball. If the runners are not at a marker but on the track when the "stop" signal is given, they must return to the previous marker (any number of runners may be at the markers). The runners therefore decide for themselves at each marker whether they want to continue their run or wait (until the next throw of the other players to continue the run). The team receives one point for each completed run. The points are entered on the score sheet by the respective participant after the run (put a line behind the team name). If the ball or throwing disc is caught directly by the field team, the field team receives one point, which is noted on the score sheet by the sports director. Whichever team scores more points with the number of defined throws or within the specified time wins the game. The number of throws is the slightly fairer option to prevent the field team from suddenly starting to run out of time when the equipment is returned.

If a runner is not at a marker when the "stop signal" is given, they must return to the start and line up with the throwers (or drop out completely and perform additional tasks at the edge of the field).


6 marking cones
1 rugby ball
1 throwing disc (frisbee)
1 tyre
1 flipchart (evaluation)
