Raising and lowering one leg in forearm support alternately ► marching pillar bridge / plank leg lift / plank leg raise

Auxiliary means
Ohne Hilfsmittel / klassisch / eigenes Körpergewicht
Body part
Centre of the body
Muscle group
Bauchmuskulatur (gerade)

Individual work

Duration (mm:ss)
Topic description

In the forearm support, the outstretched legs and upper body practically form a line. The legs are supported on the tips of the toes and the upper body on the forearms. The forearms lie flat and parallel to each other with the upper arms resting vertically on the floor (90 degree angle at the elbow joint). Alternately, raise one leg slightly (foot approximately at heel height).

Head, torso, hips and knees form practically a line (do not stretch your buttocks upwards or let them sag, tense your stomach). The hands should not touch/be closed.

Knees on the floor (feet held high); only hold the position (without lifting the legs).

Additional weight (on the back); unstable support (for the arms).


1 weight vest/weight disc/sandbag ► to make the exercise more difficult (additional weight)
1 ball/balance cushion/balance board ► to make the exercise more difficult (unstable surface)
