Movement tasks

Stimulate circulation
Auxiliary means
Ball (Unihockey), Stock (Unihockey)

Group work

Duration (mm:ss)
Topic description

The participants move freely (forwards, backwards, sideways, with variations in speed) in the hall while carrying the ball. At a signal from the sports instructor (e.g. 1-4 whistles), the participants perform various defined exercises. Here is a possible selection of exercises that can be assigned to the signals:

  • Execute a figure eight on the spot with the ball between the legs
  • Five wall passes
  • Lift the ball over a line twice with the forehand and backhand side
  • Lift the ball and balance it on the shovel for a few seconds
  • Deposit the racket and ball on the floor. Jump over the stick five times with both legs and then look for another stick (same side) with ball.
  • The participants try to balance the stick for a few seconds on different parts of the body (e.g. foot, palm, back of the hand, head, nose, elbow, fingers, etc.)
  • The participants place the stick on the floor and try to balance on it for a few seconds.

Per participant:
1 stick (floorball)
1 ball (floorball)

Sports leader:
1 signalling instrument (e.g. hand whistle, tambourine)
