Basketball pursuit

Stimulate circulation
Auxiliary means
Ball (Basketball), Ball (FooBaSKILL)

Group work

6-8 participants per group

Duration (mm:ss)
Topic description

The group lines up in a column at the free-throw line in front of the basketball hoop. The first two participants in the line have a ball. The first participant shoots at the basket. After this throw, the second participant may also try to put the ball in the basket. Both players throw until the ball lands in the basket (only the first throw is from the free throw line). If the player behind hits the ball first, the player in front is eliminated (possibly introduce additional exercises such as forearm support for the eliminated participants). If the person in front hits the ball first, he hands it to the next participant in the group. This person can now try to eliminate the person in front of them. In the final, the last two remaining players compete against each other. Without rallying, they try to overtake the player in front. The winner receives a point and then the group lines up again in turn (winner starts).

No players are eliminated. If a player behind scores first, they receive a point. The order of the participants should be changed regularly. The winner is the player who has scored the most points after a certain time.


1 basketball hoop
2 balls ► Basketball, FooBaSKILL
