Physical activity behaviour of Swiss adults
After the number of inactive people increased in the 1990s, this trend has now been broken and overall physical activity levels appear to be improving again. Nevertheless, in 2007 just under 30-35 percent of the population aged 15 and over in private households in Switzerland were insufficiently or completely inactive in relation to the basic recommendation of 2.5 hours of exercise per week. By 2022, the positive trend had continued, with 21-27% of the Swiss population aged 15 and over still partially or completely inactive. However, this figure, which has barely changed in the last ten years, is still a cause for concern.

Even today, a large proportion of the population still does not get enough exercise because many believe they are too busy, are too tired in the evening to do sport or are pursuing other interests. They forget not only the positive benefits of exercise and sport for body and mind, but also that too little physical activity has negative physical and psychological consequences. Over the last 10-30 years, the percentage of overweight people in Switzerland and other Western countries has risen and their stamina has decreased.
Consequences for the army
Accordingly, the daily military routine is physically and mentally more demanding for many members of the armed forces than their everyday civilian life. An imbalance between individual physical fitness and physical strain leads to increased injury rates and reduced military performance (of the troops). In the near past, discharge rates from recruit school were around 20%. A reduction in injuries with at least a partial dispensation (for physical education) is not only a great gain from a financial point of view, but it is also a defined goal of the army leadership to keep the members of the army who have been called up in military service. As few injuries as possible and the associated reduction in the number of discharges from military service are important for the numbers in the respective formation. Nevertheless, it is valuable for individual members of the armed forces to remain healthy and fit for deployment. In addition, later replacement benefits can be avoided. Constantly struggling with excessive demands and health problems makes life in a completely new environment much more difficult. Getting used to the higher physical demands does not happen overnight. Although the military tries to progressively increase the physical strain during military service, it is essential that members of the armed forces prepare for their service in advance. For example, breaking in combat boots beforehand is helpful for the upcoming military service, but the main focus must be on physical performance.
In 2023, a total of 35,700 conscripts were finally assessed in the Swiss Armed Forces' six recruitment centers. 25,199 of them are fit for military service and 3,250 for civil defense. This means that 79.7% of them are fit for military service and civil defense.
Training app "ready" provides a remedy
The Swiss Armed Forces and the Swiss Federal Office of Sport have developed a smartphone application (training app) to support members of the armed forces in preparing for military service. The aim of the “ready” training app is to help young people prepare physically (and mentally) for recruitment, recruit school and during and between military service deployments by means of an individually tailored online training program. The app promotes a healthy society with physically fit young people and imparts knowledge for a healthy lifestyle. Last but not least, the Swiss Armed Forces benefit from recruits who are optimally prepared physically and contribute to injury prevention.
Ultimately, the aim is to ensure that every member of the armed forces is physically capable enough to withstand the corresponding stress, perform the required service in all kinds of missions in a goal-oriented manner even in extreme situations and fulfill their mission to the desired standard. The knowledge of each individual member of the Armed Forces about his own performance and that of his comrades increases self-confidence, provides security and promotes the will to perform and the motivation of the entire unit.
Further information on military service
Links will follow -> Migration websites
First steps towards military service:
Service members:
Duties off service:
General information on military service: