Strength exercises - outdoor - program 5 (incl. organization)
Strength exercises - outdoor - program 6 (incl. organization)
Strength exercises - program 4 (incl. organization)
Strength exercises - program A
Strength exercises - program B
Strength exercises - program C
Strength exercises - program D
Strength exercises - program E
Strength exercises - program F
Strength exercises - program G
Strength exercises - program H
Strength exercises - program J
Strengthening exercises with the mini-band - program M1
Full body workout (material: mini-band)
Strengthening exercises with the mini-band - program M2
Full body workout (material: mini-band)
Strengthening exercises with the mini-band - program M3
Full body workout (material: mini-band)
Strengthening exercises with the mini-band - program M4
Full body workout (material: mini-band)
Strengthening exercises with the mini-band - program M5
Full body workout (material: mini-band)
Subject program chef de cuisine course
Subject program continued military
Subject program higher NCO course
Subject program NCO school
Subject program officer school
Subject program recruit school
Subject program training service for the formations
Training chest muscles: 1 round - 3 series - body weight

"chest-workout" without equipment (total 180 push-ups)