Coordination course - outdoor - program III - RS
Coordination course - outdoor - program III - RS (organization)
Coordination course - outdoor - program III/IV - OS (organization)
Coordination course - outdoor - program III/IV - OS (organization)
Coordination course - outdoor - program IV - OS (organization)
Coordination course - outdoor - program IV - RS
Coordination exercises - indoor
Coordination exercises - outdoor
Core muscle workout: 2 rounds - body weight

"abs workout" without equipment - 2 rounds
Core muscle workout: 2 x 2 rounds - work45sec/break15sec

12-minute "abs workout" with material.
Material: weight disc (5kg)
Core muscle workout: 2 x 4 rounds

"abs workout" without material
Core muscle workout: 3 rounds - body weight

"abs workout" without equipment - 7 exercises - 3 rounds
Core muscle workout: 3 rounds - body weight

"abs workout" without equipment - 3 rounds.
Variant: perform 3 series per exercise instead of 3 rounds.
Core muscle workout: EMOM 12min - body weight

12-minute "abs workout" without equipment.
EMOM: every minute on the minute (perform a set number of repetitions of an exercise at the beginning of a minute, the remaining seconds of the minute are for recovery)
Core muscle workout: work30sec/break15sec - body weight

6-minute "abs workout" without material
Core muscles workout: 1 round - 3 series

"abs-workout" with dumbbells
Core muscles workout: 1 round - body weight

"abs-challenge" without material (500 repetitions) for time
Core muscles workout: 1 round - body weight

"abs workout" without material