Type of training


I - Load duration according to time specification

A specific work and break duration is defined for all exercises.


Work 20 sec. / pause 40 sec.

II - Exercise duration according to number of repetitions

A certain number of repetitions and the duration of the break between exercises is defined for all exercises.


Work 8 repetitions / rest 60 sec.

III - Different load duration according to time/number of repetitions

Either a specific load duration or a number of repetitions is defined separately for all exercises. Optionally, the load to be managed can be specified.


Exercise 1: Work 30 seconds / weight 15 kg.

Exercise 2: Work 12 reps / weight 45 kg.

Note: This form of organisation offers the opportunity to work with an individual training plan.

IV - Repetition of an exercise sequence during a time limit

A sequence of exercises is put together which is repeated as often as possible in the given time.

Note: This form of organisation offers the opportunity to hold a competition. Which participant completes the most runs in the given time or which group/class achieves the best average score? Despite the time pressure, the correct execution of the exercise must always be ensured.

Type of training