Exercises (105)
Mat sweeping
Stimulate circulation
Group work
2 teams
The mats are spread out in the hall, with one half lying on top with the wrong side up. One team now tries to turn the "right" side of the mats up, while the other team takes care of the mats on the other side. After each reversed mat, the team must change places and move on to another mat. The winner is the team that is able to turn more mats to their side after a certain playing time.
Additionally large soft mats can be used, which may result in more points.
x soft mats (small)
x soft mats (large) ► Variant
Mat run
Stimulate circulation
Group work
The participants run in a criss-cross pattern around the mats (committee tents) distributed around the hall (in the grounds). Various forms of movement (e.g. circling arms, crossing legs, etc.) are integrated independently or according to the instructions of the sports leader. As soon as the sports leader calls out a number, all participants spread out on the mats (committee tents) according to the number called out. Whoever remains performs an additional task (e.g. a strength exercise such as 5 push-ups). If the number of people on the mat does not correspond to the number specified by the sports leader, these participants must also perform the additional task (excess participants should therefore be sent away).
x Soft mats (small)/firing tents (for in the field)
Music cards
Stimulate circulation
Group work
Each participant receives a card with a task and moves freely in the hall/area to the music (study the exercise). The sports leader can specify various forms of movement (crossing legs, circling arms, crouching, touching the floor, hopping, hopping with one leg, etc.). As soon as the music becomes quieter, the card must be placed on the floor and the exercise performed according to the instructions. As soon as the music gets louder again, the participants look for a new card, move freely around the hall/area again and study the next task.
This form of the game can be used to form teams by depicting coloured symbols or numbers on the task cards (see sample) and the participants form the teams based on their last task card.
1 music system incl. music (various)
x task cards
Music stop
Stimulate circulation
Group work
Each participant moves freely in the hall/area to the music. The sports leader can specify various forms of movement (crossing legs, circling arms, crouching, touching the floor, hopping, hopping with one leg, etc.). When the music stops, the participants complete a task announced by the sports leader as quickly as possible (until the music starts again):
- 5 jumping jacks
- 4x two-legged jumps over a line
- Greeting a partner in a push-up position
- Touching the top rung of the wall bars
- etc.
1 music system incl. music (various)
Pair catching
Stimulate circulation
Group work
Groups of 2
Two players form a team. They are connected to each other with a rope, which they wrap once around their wrist (or simply hold the rope) or by holding a stick (Siamese twins). The binomial must never let go of the rope/stick. One pair (labelled with bibs) chases the other pairs. If a pair is caught, the roles (hunter & catcher) are swapped. The game can also be played with several pairs of catchers.
Fix the legs of the pairs together with the rope.
Per group of 2:
1 skipping rope/stick ►Intercrosse/lacrosse, floorball, Nordic walking
2-6 game ribbons/leashes ►catcher (variant)
Passport stress
Stimulate circulation
Partner work
The pair stand opposite each other (facing their partner). A distance of approx. 3-4 metres is maintained between the binomial. The binomial tries to string together 10 successful passes as quickly as possible. A pass is successful if the throwing disc (the frisbee), the ball (with the playing equipment) is caught or the shuttle (ball) is returned correctly. If a mistake is made (the disc or the ball/shuttle falls to the ground), the count starts again. The distance can be varied as desired after a successful attempt.
Variant I:
Multiple groups of 2 compete against each other (2 rows). The winning binomial is the one that is the first to string together 10 successful passes after the sports director's start signal. After each pass, the distance is increased (one row moves back 1-2 steps).
Variant II:
The sports leader specifies a throwing/striking/passing technique, provided that the individual techniques have already been practised.
Per participant:
1 bat/stick ► Intercrosse/Lacrosse, Smolball, Floorball, Badminton/Speedminton
Per group of 2:
1 disc (Frisbee)/ball/shuttle ► Frisbee Ultimate, Basketball, Blitzball/Rugby/Football, FooBaSKILL, Futsal/Football, Handball, Intercrosse/Lacrosse, Smolball, Floorball, Volleyball, Badminton/Speedminton
Stimulate circulation
Group work
4-6 participants per group
All participants move freely in the hall/area. Within the group, the participants pass a ball/throwing disc to each other. The sports leader can specify types of pass (e.g. ground pass, high pass, inside and outside instep, backhand, forehand, etc.) and throwing disc/ball receptions (e.g. one/two-handed catching, receiving with the sole of the foot, etc.). The exercise is then rearranged so that one group (e.g. blue) plays the ball/throwing disc to the other group (e.g. red) and in turn receives the ball/throwing disc from another group (e.g. green). The sports leader can integrate additional balls/throwing discs into the exercise.
If the sports leader calls out the colour of a group with the addition "column" (e.g. "blue column"), the called group lines up in a row facing the back of the person in front (distance between the participants approx. 1-2 metres). Next, the sports leader calls a command for another group (e.g. command "red slalom"), which performs a movement task with the ball/throwing disc around the group lined up in column (e.g. bouncing the ball, guiding the ball with the feet or balancing the ball on a piece of equipment). The participant who has passed the slalom then passes the ball back to the next group member (e.g. past the lined-up group or between the spread legs). Once all group members have completed the slalom, all participants move freely around the hall/area again.
Per participant:
1 stick/stick ►intercrosse/lacrosse, smolball, floorball
1 wristband/stick ►team identification
Per group:
1 ball/throwing disc (Frisbee) ►Basketball, Frisbee Ultimate, FooBaSKILL, Futsal/Football, Handball, Intercrosse/Lacrosse, Smolball, Tchoukball, Floorball
Sports leader:
x additional balls/throwing discs (optional)
Stimulate circulation
Partner work
Two participants stand opposite each other and pass the ball/throwing disc to each other. The distances, types of pass (e.g. ground pass, high pass, inside and outside instep, backhand, forehand, overhead throw, etc.) and throwing disc/ball reception (e.g. one/two-handed catch, reception with the sole of the foot, sandwich catch, etc.) are varied. After the static form, the participants move freely around the hall/area and pass the ball/throwing disc to each other while moving.
It is important to ensure that the exercise is performed with both the stronger and weaker hand (ditto foot).
Variant I:
Include challenging trick throws/shots.
Variant II:
The two participants each throw/pass a ball/disc (frisbee) to their partner at the same time, whereby it should be agreed who throws/passes their ball/disc at which height/side.
Per participant:
1 stick/stick ►intercrosse/lacrosse, smolball, floorball
Per group:
1 ball/throwing disc ►basketball, Frisbee Ultimate, FooBaSKILL, futsal/football, handball, intercrosse/lacrosse, smolball, tchoukball, floorball
1 additional ball/throwing disc (Frisbee) ►variant
Stimulate circulation
Partner work
Two participants face each other and pass the ball/shuttle to each other. The distances and types of pass (e.g. high pass, backhand, forehand, etc.) are varied.
The exercise can be performed with either the stronger or weaker hand.
Per participant:
1 racket ►smolball, badminton/speedminton
Per group of 2:
1 ball/shuttle ►smolball, badminton/speedminton
Tyre guard
Stimulate circulation
Group work
2 teams
Two teams play against each other in a limited playing area. A point is scored if a pass is made to a teammate who has at least one leg in a hoop. The defending team can block a hoop by placing a foot in it so that no points can be scored there (more hoops than defenders are therefore required for this type of exercise). The right to attack changes either after a certain time or after each loss of the ball or disc. The rules of the respective game form naturally apply (e.g. Smolball, Intercrosse/Lacrosse, Floorball, Frisbee Ultimate, Howler).
Variant I:
The exercise form can be played with all balls, throwing discs or game equipment. The throwing/passing technique or the passing technique can be specified.
Variant II:
Use more than one ball.
1 stick/stick ►Intercrosse/Lacross, Smolball, Floorball
1-3 balls ►Basketball, Blitzball/Touchrugby, Frisbee Ultimate, FooBaSKILL, Futsal/Football, Handball, Intercrosse/Lacross, Smolball, Tchoukball, Floorball
4 marking cones/caps ►Field markings (optional)
x hoops
x playing ribbons/rubbers ►Team identification
Tyre guard
Stimulate circulation
Group work
2 teams
One team guards hoops, each containing one cone. There are more hoops than defenders. The other team tries to knock over the cones with a ball. Guards are not allowed to stand in the hoops or guide the ball. Bouncing with the ball is not allowed and the number of steps (e.g. maximum 3 steps) with the ball is limited. Which team scores more points in a given time?
Multiple balls.
1-3 balls (e.g. foam/softball, handball)
x Hoops
x Marking cones or clubs
x Playing ribbons/ribbons ► Team identification
Tyre guard
Stimulate circulation
Group work
2 teams
One team guards hoops, each containing one cone. There are more hoops than defenders. The other team tries to knock over the cones with a ball. Guards are not allowed to stand in the hoops or guide the ball. The rules of the respective game form (futsal/football, floorball) apply. Which team scores more points in a given time?
Multiple balls.
Per participant:
1 stick ►floor hockey
1-3 balls ►futsal/football, floor hockey
x hoops
x marking cones or clubs
x wristbands/discs ►team identification
Racing circle
Stimulate circulation
Group work
5-7 participants per group
The group forms an outer front circle with the participants' arms hooked into each other. At the start, the group sits on the floor. On a command, the group must stand up without the chain breaking apart and run to a defined point (e.g. around a turnaround, to the hall wall or across a specific line) and back again.
Same exercise form as above, with all participants bending their upper body slightly forwards so that they touch each other with their buttocks. An egg (e.g. a medicine ball) is placed on the centre of the group and transported to a defined point and back.
Per group:
2 colouring sticks/marking cones/cones ►start and reversal mark (optional)
Per group:
1 medicine ball ►Variant
Rescue ball
Stimulate circulation
Group work
One or more catchers are required. The hunted participants have several rescue balls/throwing discs which they can pass to each other. Anyone holding the rescue ball/throwing disc cannot be caught. Anyone who is caught (touched by a catcher) performs an additional task (e.g. five stretch jumps followed by a push-up). The catcher(s) is/are replaced from time to time.
Per participant:
1 stick/stick ►Intercrosse/Lacrosse, Smolball, Floorball
Per group:
2-x balls/throwing discs (depending on group size) ►Basketball, Frisbee Ultimate, FooBaSKILL, Futsal/Football, Handball, Intercrosse/Lacrosse, Smolball, Tchoukball, Floorball
Per catcher:
1 game ribbon/stick ►
Knight trapping
Stimulate circulation
Group work
2-3 catchers (labelled with bibs) try to catch the other participants by touching them. They can protect themselves with mats laid out in the hall (ejection tents in the field). The mats/spoiler tents may be lifted up by the hunted and used as protective armour (max. 5 seconds). The catchers may not touch the mats. Caught players fulfil an additional task (e.g. a strength exercise such as 5 push-ups).
x soft mats (small)/shooting tents (for in the field)
2-3 game ribbons/ribbons ►catcher
Robot game
Stimulate circulation
Group work
Groups of 3
Two "robots" start back to back. A "programmer" sets the robots in motion by touching the "on/off button" on their heads. If a robot is touched on the left or right shoulder, it makes a 90-degree turn to the corresponding side and continues moving. After starting the robots, the programmer may not issue any commands for five seconds. When a "robot" reaches a wall, it makes a 180-degree turn. The aim of the "programmer" is to bring the "robots" back together again.
1 pair of poles (Nordic Walking)
Robot game
Stimulate circulation
Group work
Groups of 3
Two "robots" start back to back. A "programmer" sets the robots in motion by touching the "on/off button" on their heads. The "robots" move to the beat of the music (speed). If a robot is touched on the left or right shoulder, it makes a 90-degree turn to the corresponding side and continues to move. After starting the robots, the programmer may not issue any commands for five seconds. When a "robot" reaches a wall, it makes a 180-degree turn. The aim of the "programmer" is to bring the "robots" back together again.
1 music system incl. music (various)
Stimulate circulation
Group work
2 teams
Two teams face each other behind two defined lines. In the centre of the two lines are 2-3 gym balls/kin balls/volleyballs, which are to be rolled behind the opponent's baseline or a defined line with targeted shots/throws by the participants (by hand, with the foot or with the playing equipment). Balls may only be shot at the target ball from behind one's own baseline. The throwing line, but not the centre line, may be crossed to retrieve the throwing balls. There are numerous balls in both throwing zones at the start of the game (e.g. handball, football, basketball, volleyball, floorball, etc.).
It is forbidden to shoot/throw directly at the opposing team's players and care must be taken not to be hit by approaching balls when retrieving them.
Per participant:
1 racket/stick ►intercrosse/lacrosse, smolball, floorball
1-3 exercise balls/kine balls/volleyballs/medicine balls ►goals
x balls ►basketball, FooBaSKILL, futsal/football, handball, intercrosse/lacrosse, smolball, tchoukball, floorball
Stimulate circulation
Individual work
A rowing machine is suitable for training strength, endurance and coordination, thus challenging the entire body. The correct technique is particularly important: an upright posture when rowing, the feet must find a secure hold in the footboard of the rowing machine and, ideally, the hips, knees and feet should form a line. More details on how to perform the movement are listed below. When distributing the force on the rowing machine, 60% comes from the legs, 30% from the core and only 10% from the arms. In this way, around 80 per cent of the muscle groups in the body are trained in a gentle way. This holistic workout makes rowing ideal for warming up your circulation (choose a moderate speed).
Movement execution:
In a seated position with bent legs and arms stretched forwards, first push off and stretch your legs, then pull your arms towards your head with your upper body tilted slightly backwards. Return to the starting position in exactly the opposite way: first stretch your arms, then move your upper body forwards and finally pull your legs forwards. In theory, the rowing movement sequence sounds complicated, but many of the individual movement sequences are already performed correctly unconsciously:
Starting position:
- Upper body bent forwards towards the thighs.
- Back muscles relaxed.
- Lower back straight, upper back (trapezius muscle) may make a slight hump.
- Arms stretched (triceps remain relaxed).
- Tummy muscles slightly tensed.
Starting the pull-through:
- Legs lead the movement by stretching them.
- At the same time as stretching your legs, slightly tense your lower back and bring it into a straight position.
- The phase ends when your legs are almost fully extended.
Middle phase of the pull-through:
- From this phase, the upper body also comes into play.
- The arms and back now dictate the movement, with both parts of the body being pulled backwards almost simultaneously (between the chest and belly button). The strength comes from the back and not the arms.
- The abdominal muscles and thigh muscles remain tensed the whole time.
- The phase ends with the upper body leaning slightly backwards and the arms slightly raised. The back shoulder is already working slightly.
Final move:
- Pull your arms completely towards your body.
- The upper body leans back a little further in the same move. The back shoulder is now even more involved.
- Tighten all the muscles involved (buttocks, thighs, abdomen, arms and shoulders).
- Arms lead the way.
- Stretch your arms forwards again. The upper body and legs follow the arms.
- The buttocks pull the seat forwards.
- The phase ends in the starting position.
1 rowing machine
Shadow run
Stimulate circulation
Group work
2-4 groups
Change partners/groups on the sports director's signal
The person in front moves freely (forwards, backwards or sideways, with variations in speed) in the hall and incorporates various forms of exercise (e.g. lifting the ball over a line, balancing the ball on the shovel, wall passes). The partner/group members imitate the movements identically. Swap positions from time to time (e.g. at the whistle of the sports leader) or even change partners.
Per participant:
1 stick (floorball)
2 ball (floorball)
Sports leader:
1 signalling instrument (e.g. hand whistle, tambourine)
Shadow run
Stimulate circulation
Group work
2-4 groups
Change partners/groups on the sports director's signal
The person in front moves freely (forwards, backwards or sideways, with speed variation) in the hall/area and incorporates various forms of exercise (e.g. bouncing the ball high/low, rolling the ball, juggling the ball, playing the ball up, wall passes). The partner/group members imitate the movements identically. From time to time (e.g. at the whistle of the sports leader) swap positions or even change partners.
Per participant:
1 bat (smolball)
1 ball (smolball)
Sport leader:
1 signalling instrument (e.g. hand whistle, tambourine)
Shadow run
Stimulate circulation
Group work
2-4 groups
Change partners/groups on the sports director's signal
The person in front moves freely (forwards, backwards or sideways, with speed variation) in the hall/area and incorporates various forms of movement (e.g. crossing legs, circling arms, crouching, touching the floor, etc.). The partner/group members imitate the movements identically. From time to time (e.g. at the whistle of the sports leader), swap positions or even change partners.
Sport leader:
1 signalling instrument (e.g. hand whistle, tambourine)
Shadow run
Stimulate circulation
Group work
2-4 groups
Change partners/groups on the sports director's signal
The person in front moves freely (forwards, backwards or sideways, with speed variation) in the hall/area and incorporates various exercises with the ball (e.g. bouncing the ball high/low, rolling the ball, various dribbles/tricks). The partner/group members imitate the movements identically. Swap positions from time to time (e.g. at the whistle of the sports leader) or even change partners.
Per participant:
1 ball
Sport leader:
1 signalling instrument (e.g. hand whistle, tambourine)
Shadow run
Stimulate circulation
Group work
3-5 groups
Group change on signal from the sports director
The person in front moves freely around the area and incorporates various exercise or movement forms (diagonal step, hop walk, double pole, duck walk, arms held high or in front, etc.). The group members imitate the movements identically. On a signal from the sports leader (e.g. 1-3 whistles), various exercises are incorporated. Possible exercise forms are:
- The first two runners kneel down and hold the poles at chest height, the next runners jump over the hurdle.
- The first two runners hold the poles at chest height, the next runners run under the poles (limbo).
- The first two runners hold the poles at knee height, the next runners crawl under the poles.
Swap positions from time to time (e.g. at the call of the sports leader) or even change groups.
Per participant:
1 pair of poles (Nordic walking)
Sport leader:
1 signalling instrument (e.g. hand whistle, tambourine)
Shadow run
Stimulate circulation
Group work
2-4 groups
Change partners/groups on the sports director's signal
The person in front moves freely with a skipping rope (forwards or backwards, with speed variation) in the hall/area and incorporates various exercise forms (e.g. two-legged, one-legged, only right/left leg first, etc.). The partner/group members imitate the movements identically. Swap positions from time to time (e.g. at the whistle of the sports instructor) or even incorporate partner changes.
Per participant:
1 skipping rope
Sport leader:
1 signalling device (e.g. hand whistle, tambourine)