Dynamic stretching: chest muscles / shoulder muscles

Mobilisation of the joints / dynamic stretching
Auxiliary means
Ohne Hilfsmittel / klassisch / eigenes Körpergewicht
Body part
Upper body
Muscle group
Brustmuskulatur, Schultermuskulatur

Individual work

Duration (mm:ss)
Topic description

Stretch one arm out in front of you and bob backwards at chest height with as wide a range of motion as possible (gaze remains forward, legs stable). After a few stretches, bring the arm to the opposite side at chest height, bobbing in front of the body (arm pointing to the side, elbow in front of the body). Switch arms from time to time (e.g. after doing both stretching positions with one arm twice).

Swing both arms backwards or to the side at the same time (arms crossed in front of the body).

The exercise can also be performed in a seated or kneeling position.


No material required
