Running ABC

Running training
Auxiliary means

Group work

6-10 participants per group (3-5 participants per side)
Depending on group size: start from both sides simultaneously or alternately.

The participants line up in groups opposite each other at a distance of approx. 15-20 metres. After completing the exercise, the participants line up again behind the opposite group.

Duration (mm:ss)
Topic description

The running ABC is a special form of coordination exercises and helps to improve running style. The easy-to-perform exercises promote mobility and muscular balance.

The running ABC should be familiarised with using various running exercises in smaller groups. It is advisable to keep the upper body, especially the head, upright during all exercises. The running ABC should be carried out with concentration and in a rested state. You should start with slow and technically clean movements. After a few repetitions, the speed of the steps can be increased.

Exercise selection (complete each exercise 2-4 times):

  1. Loose trotting forwards/backwards (perform a half turn in the middle, changing the direction of rotation with each run).
  2. Hop run
    • Powerfully raise the knee of the swing leg, lift the thigh until it is horizontal;
    • keep an upright posture, hips remain extended, eyes look straight ahead;
    • the arms actively swing upwards (not forwards) and support the jump;
    • roll over the entire foot;
    • the hop run strengthens body extension and the footprint.
  3. Walking with a focus on rolling over the whole foot (arms swing along)
  4. Trotting with a focus on rolling over the whole foot
  5. Running dribbling (ankle work)
    • Trotting with very small steps and high frequency;
    • Knee alternately slightly upwards;
    • the toe of the lifted leg points to the floor;
    • active foot placement, starting on the forefoot, heel briefly touches the floor;
    • Knee of the supporting leg remains extended;
    • Arms are bent, the arm movement supports the leg movement;
    • Hips move with
  6. Skipping
    • Raise the knees alternately at a high frequency up to around 70 degrees;
    • tighten the toes and only ever land on the forefoot;
    • strong arm use;
    • Variant:Insert an intermediate step after two skippings.
  7. Knee lift
    • Bring your knees up to hip height;
    • maintain an upright posture;
    • Variant: Only lift your knees every third step.
  8. Lift off your heels
    • Increased push-off from the ankle and calf;
    • Bend the knee backwards to bring the heel towards the buttocks;
    • Hips tilted slightly forwards;
    • Arms swing along and support the running movement.
    • Variant: Lift the knee only every third step.
  9. Lifting off your heels/knee lift
    • Alternate 4 x heel lifts and 4 x knee lifts
  10. Giant wheel
    • Slow knee lift, once the knee is lifted, the lower leg is extended forwards and the foot is placed forwards in a circular motion.
  11. Bouncing lunge
    • Feet are parallel and in a line;
    • one leg is pushed down hard;
    • the other leg is bent at the hip;
    • to land, bring the feet together again so that they touch the ground at the same time;
    • immediately after landing, the other leg is pushed into the air.
  12. Jump run
    • Powerful one-legged push-off (leg maximally extended);
    • the other leg swings forwards (not upwards) à jump into the air;
    • the arm movement is consciously active forwards and supports the jump;
    • the thigh is horizontal in the flight phase.
  13. Side straddle run
    • The body stands sideways to the running direction;
    • spread the legs and bring them together again by jumping sideways;
    • make sure your posture is upright;
    • change direction.
  14. Crossover running
    • The body stands sideways to the running direction;
    • Cross your legs alternately in front of and behind your body;
    • Turn only from the hips
    • The arms are stretched out or resting on the hips;
    • Improves hip mobility.
  15. Forward/backward running with incline running
  16. Running curves

Per group:
4 marking cones/caps
