Each group throws at a can pyramid (e.g. standing on a Swedish box). There are two running rounds, a large main round and a smaller penalty round. The first participant in each group runs the main round before throwing balls at the cans. Three throws are "free", for each additional throw a penalty lap must be completed first. After all the cans have been hit, the next participant in the group starts the main round (during which time the person in front of them sets up the throwing stand again) before throwing at the cans. Which team is the first to complete a round?
Variant I:
Additional exercises can be defined for the waiting participants (e.g. forearm support or sitting on the wall)
Variant II:
Each participant only has a limited number of throws at the can pyramid (e.g. 6 attempts). After the attempts, any rifle still standing results in a penalty round before being handed over to the next participant.
Variant III:
The can pyramid is replaced by another target:
- inverted box
- mature
- mat
- painting stick
Possible throwing object:
- Indiaca
- Howler
- Frisbee
- Maturity
Variant IV:
Add obstacles (equipment from the MZH) to the main or penalty round.