Slalom relay

Increase pulse
Auxiliary means
Ball, Ball (Basketball), Ball (Futsal/Fussball), Ball (Handball), Ball (Volleyball)

Group work

4-5 participants per group

Duration (mm:ss)
Topic description

One runner runs in a slalom to the turning point (e.g. colouring stick, marker cone or cone) or to the hall wall and back. The runner then either runs back in a slalom or runs directly to the group to send the next runner onto the course. There are different exercise variations with the ball:

Single run:

  • Carry ball
  1. Ball (e.g. medicine ball or gym ball). medicine ball or gym ball) in a high hold
  2. Carry the ball on your thighs in a four-footed gait
  3. Tuck the ball between your feet and bounce
  • Bounce the ball
  • Dribble the ball with your feet
  • Roll the ball with your hands

In a binomial:

  • Pinch the ball between the partners (hands must not hold the ball after the start)

At the first and last obstacle or at each obstacle (e.g. colouring stick, marker cone).At the first and last obstacle or at each obstacle (e.g. colouring stick, marker cone or cone), make a complete turn around the slalom markings.

Releases: Run around the waiting group back to the next runner to hand over the ball - roll the ball forwards between the legs - pass the ball forwards over the heads - stop the ball on one or between two lines, then hand over the ball to the next runner with a handshake


Per group:
5-7 colouring sticks
1 ball (football, volleyball, basketball or handball)
1 medicine or exercise ball
