Alternating push-up and jump onto an object ► burpee & box jump

Auxiliary means
Flachbank, Plyo-Box, Schwedenkasten
Body part
Whole body
Muscle group
Unterschenkelmuskulatur (hinten), Oberschenkelmuskulatur (vorne), Gesässmuskulatur, Bauchmuskulatur (gerade), Brustmuskulatur, Schultermuskulatur, Armstrecker

Individual work

Duration (mm:ss)
Topic description

From a standing position, bend your legs and place your hands next to your feet to get into a squat position. Support yourself with your hands and jump backwards with both legs to get into a push-up position. Bend your arms to fully lower your upper body (prone position). From the prone position, push back into the push-up position with both arms and jump back into the squat position. From the squat position, tilt your upper body slightly forwards, stretch your arms backwards at an angle to your body (like a ski jumper on a ski jump), push off the floor powerfully to perform a jump onto the plyo box (using the momentum of your arms), straighten your upper body (standing on the box) and jump back to the starting position (possibly the other side of the box).

No hollow back in the push-up position (body tension); land on the box as softly as possible (cushion the jump with your knees).

Lower intensity between the individual exercises; lower the height of the box.

Additional weight; higher plyo box.

Bouncing from one side of the plyo box to the other by jumping sideways.


1 flat bench/plyo box/swivel box

2-4 weight cuffs/1 weight waistcoat ► Make the exercise more difficult (additional weight)
