From a standing position, bend your legs and place your hands next to your feet to get into a squat position. Support yourself with your hands, jump backwards with both legs to get into the push-up position. Bend your arms to fully lower your upper body (prone position). From the prone position, push back into the push-up position with both arms and jump back into a squat position. From this position, push your legs off the floor to jump up (raise your arms horizontally as a swing). During the jump, pull your knees up towards your chest as far as possible (squat jump - bend your arms in front of your body, forearms parallel to the floor, elbows close to your body, palms facing downwards at approximately the level of your navel). Then land in a controlled manner (cushion the jump) to initiate the next repetition (prone position/lying down) by bending the legs.
Keep your back straight when jumping up, cushion the landing, keep your whole foot firmly on the ground without bending your knees while your legs are in contact with the floor and keep your knees behind your toes. The palms of the hands touch the knees with every jump. No hollow back in the push-up position (body tension).
Lower intensity between the individual exercises; smaller/less intense jumps, knees pulled up less far; in the squat position, only jump backwards and back again with the legs (without prone position/push-up).
Additional weight; soft surface.