Target throw

Stimulate circulation
Auxiliary means
Ball (Basketball), Ball (Blitzball/Rugby/Football), Ball (FooBaSKILL), Ball (Handball), Ball (Smolball), Ball (Unihockey), Ball (Volleyball), Indiaca, Reifen, Schläger (Badminton), Schläger (Smolball), Schläger (Speedminton), Stock (Intercross/Lacrosse), Stock (Unihockey), Wurfscheibe (Frisbee)

Individual work

Duration (mm:ss)
Topic description

From a defined throwing line, the participant throws/shoots the ball (with the game device)/throwing disc at tyre targets. The tyres are placed in different target zones. All targets in the same zone score the same number of points. The further away the targets are, the more points a successful throw scores (only hits that land directly in the tyre count). How many points are scored in a given time?

With several participants per target area: The participants must ensure that they are not hit by a ball/throwing disc or block a throwing attempt.

Variant I:
Depending on the equipment or type of ball, a specific throwing, hitting or shooting technique may be required for passing.
Variant II:
The game is played in groups of 2, with each team having only one ball/throwing disc. One participant throws at the targets until they have scored a certain number of points. While the partner collects the points, the other participant performs an exercise (e.g. running round, wall sitting, forearm support).


Per participant:
1 stick ► Intercrosse/Lacrosse, Smolball, Floorball, Badminton/Speedminton
1 ball/throwing disc (Frisbee) ► Basketball, Blitzball/Rugby/Football, FooBaSKILL, Handball, Intercrosse/Lacrosse, Smolball, Floorball, Floorball, Volleyball, Badminton/Speedminton, Smolball, Frisbee Ultimate

x hoops ► Targets
