Methodological aspects of speed training

Speed training should be started as early as possible (in childhood). Training should take place all year round. Speed skills can only be optimised with full commitment. "All or nothing" is the motto for speed training. If training is only completed with half commitment and not with maximum concentration, no improvement in speed can be expected. This is why speed training includes a watch or an opponent. Good mental preparation and extensive warming up of the muscles and joints is essential. Furthermore, the quality of movement of the execution (key points, technique) must not diminish during the exercise and the training must always be carried out in a recovered state. Sufficient breaks (50x load time or 1 minute per 10 metres) must therefore be taken between exercises so that the ATP and creatine phosphate stores can be replenished and full readiness for action is guaranteed. 

Training methods

Reaction speed

Quick and situation-appropriate reactions to various forms of signals (tactile, acoustic and visual) are practised in game forms or sport-specific (e.g. starting a sprint).

Ability to accelerate

The time required for acceleration can vary depending on the sport, which is why the ability to accelerate must be trained for each specific sport. The ability is performed at maximum load intensity.

Movement and action speed

Because speed has a large coordinative component, speed training is also always technique training. A movement should only be trained for speed once the technique has been perfectly practised. In order to improve action speed, exercises are chosen that favour fast execution and therefore do not always have a large acceleration component (e.g. flying starts during sprints, acceleration aids, incline runs).

Movement speed

Here, training must include complex exercises that place high demands on the ability to perceive and anticipate, the ability to make decisions and decisiveness as well as the timely and rapid execution of an action (e.g. tactical exercises in game sports). Athletes must be cognitively challenged in order to train their anticipation skills and execute a reaction quickly and appropriately to the situation. 

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