Target throw

Coordination exercises
Auxiliary means
Ball, Ball (Basketball), Ball (Blitzball/Rugby/Football), Ball (Faustball), Ball (FooBaSKILL), Ball (Futsal/Fussball), Ball (Handball), Ball (Schaumstoff-/Softball), Ball (Volleyball), Langbank, Malstab, Markierkegel/-hütchen, Schwedenkasten

Individual work

Duration (mm:ss)
Topic description

Hitting different target objects (open box elements, marker cones/caps, colouring sticks, balls, swing rings etc.) from a given distance (2-8m) with different objects (e.g. balls).

► Differentiation ability


1 vaulting box ► indoor version
1 long bench ► indoor version
3-4 marking cones
3-4 colouring sticks
10 various balls (e.g. basketball, football, volleyball, foam/softball)
1 ball trolley

Post set-up:
Distribute materials (targets) on a defined line on the floor or on the long bench/vaulting box. Keep throwing objects (balls) at a distance in a ball trolley.
