Exercises (23)
Games / Tournament
Game idea:
Two parties try to score a direct point by skilfully hitting the shuttle or to force a mistake by the opposing party.
A point is scored if the shuttle lands in the opponent's court or if the opposing party cannot return the shuttle in accordance with the rules.
Badminton court, net height 1.55m.
- Singles: inside sideline; back baseline.
- Doubles: outside sideline; back baseline.
- On serve, the court is bordered by the front service line.
Number of participants:
1 against 1 (singles), 2 against 2 (doubles)
Rules of the game:
Each party can score regardless of the right to serve. The player who won the previous point has the right to serve. The serving player must stand within their own service sector and play the shuttle diagonally into the opponent's service sector. If your own score is even, the serve is made from your own right-hand sector; if your own score is odd, the serve is made from the left-hand sector. The serve is served below the waist and the shuttle may touch the net when serving (no repetition).
The right to serve changes to the opponent after a fault. If the right to serve changes, the person serving also changes within the team.
Only one serve per party is allowed. It is considered a fault if the shuttle does not cross the net, touches the wall, ceiling or floor outside the court or if a party or a racket touches the net.
A set goes to 21 points. To win, there must be at least a 2-point difference (i.e. the game continues until one party has a 2-point lead) and it is played to two winning sets.
Games / Tournament
Game idea:
Quick and accurate passing of the ball in front of the opponent's basket and a final attack with a direct throw into the basket or via the board. The opposing team has the task of fending off the attack, gaining possession of the ball and going on the attack itself.
Scoring points:
A basket from the field counts as 2 points. A successful shot from beyond the 3-point line scores 3 points. A sunk free throw scores 1 point.
Basketball court (15mx28m), basket with rebound board. Basket height 3.05m
Number of participants:
5 against 5
Game rules:
The game starts with a bouncing ball in the centre of the court. If the ball leaves the court, the opposing team returns it into play with a throw-in from the edge of the court. After a point is scored, the right to attack changes and the ball is brought back into play with a throw-in from the baseline on the side of the scorer (except in the case of several free throws). If the attacking team has crossed the halfway line and is in the opponent's half of the court, it may not return the ball to its own half.
The game is played largely without physical contact. A maximum of one step may be taken with the ball in the hands without bouncing or passing (step fault). So-called doubles are also prohibited (catch-bounce-catch-bounce). Star steps are permitted with the ball in the hands (one leg remains firmly on the ground). If the shooter is obstructed, they are allowed free throws (2 inside or 3 free throws outside the 3-point line).
There are several rules for time violations in basketball. For example, you have a maximum of 24 seconds for an attack, whereby you must have crossed the centre line within 8 seconds. No player on the team in possession of the ball may stay in the opponent's restricted zone (trapezoid between the baseline and the free-throw line) for longer than 3 seconds. You have 5 seconds to get the ball back into play after winning a point or leaving the court.
Blitzball - Touchrugby
Games / Tournament
Game idea:
Two teams face each other on a playing field and endeavour to place a rugby ball in the opponent's target area by using their running speed and feinting hooks. The respective ball carrier can be forced by the opposing team to pass the ball backwards to a teammate, who then tries to penetrate the target area.
Scoring points:
A point is scored when an untouched player can place the ball behind the opposite target line in one of the three target areas. The centre target area scores three points, the side fields score 2 points each (indicated by marker cones).
Variant: a large soft mat is placed in the target area (centre); a point is scored by jumping onto the mat.
Playing field:
Field size 50mx34m for 6 players (3 against 3), 70mx48m (12 players), 100mx55m (18 players)
Number of participants:
3 against 3 to 9 against 9, depending on the field size
Rules of the game:
- The game is opened by means of a pass from the centre forward between the straddled legs to the back to a teammate.
- The ball may be carried forwards by any player, but may only be played/passed backwards.
- The player carrying the ball may be forced to pass it by hitting him on the back with his hand. The player in possession of the ball must then pass the ball on the third step or after two seconds at the latest.
- Jostling, clutching and pushing are not permitted, nor is hitting the ball.
- A free throw is awarded for all infringements of the rules, especially if the attacking team passes forwards. The free throw is always taken from the spot where the offence was committed.
- Except for the handshake on the back, Blitzball is played without any form of physical contact.
Games / Tournament
Game idea:
Two teams face each other on a court and try to hit a ball over the net into the opponent's court in such a way that the opponent cannot reach it.
Scoring a point:
A point is scored when the ball falls to the ground twice in succession in the opponent's court or the opponent is unable to return it in accordance with the rules.
Playing field:
- Outdoor: 50 x 20 metres.
- Indoor: 40 x 20 metres.
The playing field is divided into two halves by a net 1.90m (women) or 2.00m (men) high. A line of attack is drawn 3m away from the centre line in each half.
Number of participants:
Rules of the game:
Each rally begins with a serve and ends with the first subsequent fault. After each fault, the ball is re-set by the team that made the fault. Each player is allowed to hit the ball. To do so, the ball must be put into play in front of and behind the service line. If the ball is in play, it may be touched three times by the respective team after each net crossing. On the third touch at the latest, the ball must be passed over the net to the opponent. Before each touch by a player, the ball may bounce once on the ground, but only within the playing area. The ball is played with the inside of the outstretched forearm during defence and passing, and hit with the fist during attack or serving.
A point is scored by forcing the opponent to make a mistake. The following events are counted as errors and therefore result in a point for the opposing team:
- The ball or a player touches the line/net or the posts.
- The ball touches the ground outside the court.
- The ball touches the ground twice in succession without a player touching it in between.
- The ball is played sideways past the posts or underneath the line/net into the opponent's court.
- More than three players of one team touch the ball during a turn.
- A player touches the ball for the second time within a turn. If there are several touches of the ball, they must be different players.
- The serving player touches or crosses the 3-metre line (service line)
The ball touches a part of the body other than the upper or lower arm or the fist. The ball may also not be touched with the palm of the hand.
Play is based on points and sets. Each mistake results in a point for the opposing team. A set ends as soon as one of the teams has scored eleven points and is leading by at least two points (if the score is 10:10, the set is automatically extended), but at the latest when one team scores 15 points. The number of winning sets can vary. In Switzerland, the game is usually played in 3 winning sets.
Games / Tournament
Game idea:
Two teams play against each other. On one side of the pitch there are two Swedish boxes, each with a Molankegel or the FooBaSKILL goal on top, which serve as football goals. Football is played on this half. There is a basketball hoop on the other half, where normal basketball is played. In the centre of the hall, the players switch from one sport to the other. In the second half, the roles are swapped. The aim is to score the most points.
- 1 point: The ball touches the bottom of the Swedish box (wooden structure). The players can aim at 360° of the box.
- 2 pts: The ball touches the bottom of the Swedish box and is stopped (intercepted) by the player of the same team or the kicker himself with the sole of his shoe before it crosses the centre line (second offensive intention in football). Only one point is awarded if a defender intercepts the ball.
- 3 points: The ball brings down the juggernaut or goes through the FooBaSKILL goal.
- 0 points: No point is awarded if the ball touches the top of the box. The game continues without interruption.
- 1 point: The ball bounces off the basketball board without touching the ring and falls to the ground.
- 2 points: The ball bounces off the basketball board without touching the ring and is caught by another team member with both hands before falling to the floor (offensive rebound in basketball).
- 3 points: The ball is kicked into the basket.
- 0 points: No point is awarded if the ball touches the hoop (play continues without interruption) or if the ball touches the back of the basketball board, the edge of the board or the supporting structure (counts as a fault) or if the ball bounces against the basketball board without touching the hoop and is caught by the opposing team with two hands before it touches the floor (play continues without interruption).
22 x 42 metres (with indoor walls)
Number of participants:
4:4 (or 5:5)
Rules of the game:
The kick-off at the start of the game and at the start of the second half takes place in the middle of the pitch with a bounce ball, as in basketball. The ball must be tapped by one of the two players in the centre circle to a teammate. The other players spread out freely across the entire pitch, but outside the circle.
After a point has been scored in football or basketball, the ball is played as quickly as possible. This happens at the point where the ball is seized by the defender. The kick-off takes place immediately with a pass.
The basic rules of classic indoor football and basketball apply.
In the event of an infringement of the rules, play continues with a throw-in at the place where the mistake was made. In the event of a shot at the football goal with the intention of overturning the goal cone or hitting the FooBaSKILL goal, the ball must not exceed the height of these elements. If this happens anyway, it is a fault and the ball goes to the defending team.
Tackling in the FooBaSKILL is prohibited.
It is a fault if:
- The ball touches the hall ceiling or other suspended equipment.
- The ball touches the edge of the basketball board.
- The ball touches the back of the basketball board or the supporting structure.
The walls of the sports hall are part of the playing court. It is permitted to play with the walls in both football and basketball. It is allowed to give yourself a pass against the wall; to give your partner a pass against the wall; to score a goal using the walls.
The duration of the match is twice five minutes. During the first half, one team attacks in football and defends in basketball. In the second half, the roles are reversed.
Frisbee Ultimate
Games / Tournament
Game idea:
The team in possession of the frisbee tries to move it towards the targeted end zone. The opposing team tries to prevent this movement and force possession of the frisbee by means of a "turnover" (see rules of the game). The frisbee may only be moved by throwing it from one player to the other.
The aim is to catch the frisbee in the opposite end zone following a pass from a teammate and thus score a point.
Playing field:
Rectangular field with an end zone at each end. 64mx37m with 18m outdoor end zone, 40mx25m with 15m indoor end zone.
The pitch is bounded by cones. The connections between them form the side or out lines.
Number of ends:
7 against 7 outdoor, 5 against 5 indoor
Game rules:
At the start of the game and after each point, the teams line up on their end zone line. The team that starts or has just scored throws a high, long pass towards the opponent's end zone (throw-off). As soon as the disc is released, all participants may move freely on the field. The other team may pick up the disc and start the game.
The disc may be thrown in any direction. The player with the disc in his hands may neither walk nor run, only star steps are allowed. However, if the disc is caught during the race, the movement may be slowed down by the required number of steps. The disc may not be passed, but must move from A to B through the air. If the attackers are unable to catch the disc (disc touches the ground, flies out of bounds or the opponent intercepts it or knocks it to the ground), the defending team gains possession of the disc and attacks. This is referred to as a "turnover". There is no stoppage of play.
The defender covering the thrower must keep at least an arm's length away. Only one player may cover the thrower at a time; the next defender must be at least three metres away. The attacker must play the frisbee after a maximum of 10 seconds. To signal this, the defender counts the seconds out loud.
Body contact or tackling is not permitted. Each player is responsible for signalling an infringement of the rules. There is no referee. Fair play is therefore very important. If an attacker and a defender catch the disc at the same time, it belongs to the attacker.
After a successful point is scored, the teams switch sides. The team that scored the point then starts again with a throw-off towards the opposing team.
Games / Tournament
Game idea:
Two teams with several outfield players and a goalkeeper each shoot the ball into the opponent's goal by attacking skilfully. Good defensive behaviour should prevent the opponent from scoring goals.
A goal is scored when the ball crosses the opponent's goal line in its entirety.
Playing field:
120 x 90m (maximum), or 90 x 45m (minimum).
The pitch size can be adjusted for sports lessons.
Number of participants:
11:11 (incl. one goalkeeper per team).
Adjust the number of players if the pitch size is changed.
Playing rules:
The game is opened at the start of each period by a kick-off by one team in the centre of the pitch. The same applies after a goal has been scored, whereby the team that has conceded a goal has the right to kick-off. The ball may be played with any part of the body except the arms. Within the penalty area (rectangular area with a width of 16.50 metres from the respective post and the same depth), the goalkeeper may take the ball in his hands. Handball and fouls (holding, clutching, punching, pushing, putting the leg down, kicking the legs, leaning, etc.) outside the penalty area are penalised with a direct free kick for the opposing team (i.e. possession of the ball at a distance of 9m from the opponent). If the offence takes place inside the penalty area, the opposing team is awarded a penalty from a distance of 11m from the goal.
If a player kicks the ball out of bounds over a touchline, the opposing team is awarded a throw-in, whereby the ball is thrown back into the field to a team-mate with a two-handed throw over the head from outside the touchline. If the ball leaves the field of play over the outer goal line, a goal kick (last touch of the ball by the attacker) or a corner kick (last touch of the ball by the defender) is awarded, depending on who last touched the ball.
Games / Tournament
Game idea:
Two teams with several outfield players and a goalkeeper each shoot the ball into the opponent's goal by attacking skilfully. Good defensive behaviour should prevent the opponent from scoring goals.
A goal is scored when the ball crosses the opponent's goal line in its entirety.
In the hall, long benches can also be used as goals. On the one hand, the bench can be turned over and the ball must be played between the seat and the support surface, or on the other hand, the bench can be tilted and a goal is scored when the ball is played against the seat surface.
Playing field:
22 x 42 metres (e.g. handball field or hall wall).
Number of participants:
5:5 (incl. one goalkeeper per team)
Game rules:
The game is opened at the start of each period by a face-off by one team in the centre of the field. The same applies after a goal has been scored, whereby the team that has conceded a goal has the right to kick-off. The ball may be played with any part of the body except the arms. Inside the penalty area, the goalkeeper may take the ball in his hands.
Any physical contact is considered a foul. Tackling - regardless of whether the ball is played or not - is also prohibited and results in a free kick for the opposing team. After a predetermined number of fouls (adapted to the length of the game), the opposing team is awarded a penalty for each additional foul.
A penalty is awarded after three fouls, after which the number of fouls is reset to zero.
If a player kicks the ball out of bounds over a touchline, the opposing team gains possession of the ball. The ball is put back into play with a "kick-in" (no direct shots on goal allowed)
Games / Tournament
Game idea:
Two teams with several outfield players and a goalkeeper each throw the ball into the opponent's goal through skilful attacking. Good defensive behaviour should prevent the opponent from scoring goals.
A goal is scored when the ball crosses the opponent's goal line in its entirety.
Playing field:
Handball field (20mx45m) with goal circle.
Number of participants:
7 against 7 (6 outfield players plus 1 goalkeeper).
Playing rules:
The game is started by a kick-off by one team in the centre of the field. The ball carrier may take a maximum of three steps with the ball in his hands. In order to move, the ball must therefore be bounced or passed to each other. If a player is in possession of the ball, he may catch the ball a maximum of two times. If the ball is picked up after being bounced, it may not be bounced again. The ball may not be held in the hands for longer than 3 seconds and may not touch the body below the knees ("foot rule").
It is forbidden to snatch or knock away the held ball. It is also prohibited to hold the opponent by the body or clothing. Such fouls result in a free throw at the place of the incident. If the foul occurs between the free-throw line and the goal circle, the free throw is taken from the free-throw line. No attacking player may be between the free-throw line and the goal circle when the free-throw is taken. If the foul prevents a clear scoring opportunity, a 7m throw is awarded (direct goal kick from the 7m line; the front foot must not be moved).
The goal circle may not be entered by the field players. However, jumping into the goal circle is permitted, provided the ball is played/thrown before touching the ground. The goalkeeper may move freely within the goal circle and prevent hits with all limbs.
If the ball leaves the pitch over the touchlines, the ball is returned into play by the opposing team with a throw-in (normal pass with the front foot on the line). If the ball crosses the baseline, a throw-in is taken by the goalkeeper (exception: a defender touches the ball before it leaves the pitch over the baseline; in this case, a throw-in is taken in the respective corner of the pitch by an attacker).
After a goal, the right to attack changes. The kick-off is taken in the centre of the field by the team that scored the goal.
Games / Tournament
Game idea:
Two teams face each other on a field. The aim of the game is to play the Indiaca pad over the net so that it falls to the ground in the opponent's field.
A point is scored when the Indiaca lands in the opponent's field or the opposing team is unable to return it in accordance with the rules.
Playing field:
Field size 6mx18m or volleyball court (9mx18m), net height: 2m
Number of participants:
5 against 5.
Playing rules:
The face-off takes place behind the baseline. The net must not be touched during the service. The team that won the last point is awarded the right to play the ball.
The Indiaca pad may only be played with the hand or forearm. The Indiaca pad may not be held, caught or thrown.
If the Indiaca pad is in play, the team in possession of the playing equipment has the right to hit the pad three times without it touching the ground.
If the right to play is regained by scoring a point, the players change positions in a clockwise direction. A set goes to 25 points with a difference of at least 2 points, otherwise the game continues until a 2-point lead has been established. If a team can win 3 sets, the game is won.
Games / Tournament
Game idea:
Two teams with several outfield players and a goalkeeper play the ball into the opponent's goal with the intercross stick by skilfully attacking. Good defensive behaviour is required to prevent the opponent from scoring goals.
A goal is scored when the ball crosses the goal line completely.
Playing field:
Handball field (20mx40m). (Floorball) goals with a goal circle of 2.75m radius
Number of participants:
5 against 5 (4 outfield players plus 1 goalkeeper)
Playing rules:
The ball is played into the field by the goalkeeper at the kick-off. The ball may only be handled with the stick. It may not be hit or passed with the body. A player may hold the ball in the basket for a maximum of 5 seconds. If a ball lands out of bounds, the player who puts the ball back into play can either run into the court with the ball or play a pass from the sideline (observe the 5-second rule). If the ball falls to the ground, players have the option of picking it up with their stick or "covering" it. To "cover" the ball, cover it with the basket of the stick. After covering the ball with the basket, the opponents must keep a distance of 3 metres and the player with the ball must make a pass (it is not possible to continue running after covering the ball). An attack must be executed within 30 seconds.
Intercrosse is played without contact between body/body and body/stick. The player with the ball may only run or stand (star step allowed). Walking is prohibited. When running, the stick must be held in both hands. Catching, throwing or "covering" is permitted with one hand. The ball may not be touched with the hand.
The goal circle around the goals has a radius of 2.75 metres. Attackers are not allowed to enter this circle. Within this circle, however, the goalkeeper is allowed to defend the ball with his body and guide it with his hand.
Strict man-to-man defence must be observed. Each defender must be assigned to an attacker, as zone coverage or so-called doubling of attackers is prohibited. As the defender is not allowed to attack the attacker, he must try to skilfully restrict the attacker's running and passing routes, intercept passes and quickly secure free balls.
Kickball - Brennball
Games / Tournament
Game idea:
The game idea is similar to that of baseball. Two teams, a kicker and a catcher, try to score as many points as possible during a certain period of time.
Scoring points:
A point is scored when a run is successfully completed. If necessary, points are also awarded for successfully caught balls.
Playing field:
Can be adapted to the available possibilities.
Number of participants:
10 against 10
Game rules:
One player of the kick team plays the ball from the kick zone into the catch zone (throwing or kicking). He then runs around the pitch back into the kicking zone. Meanwhile, the catcher tries to catch the ball and bring it to their "nest" as quickly as possible. The ball must be passed from catcher to catcher, as it is not allowed to run with the ball. As soon as the ball is placed in the "nest", a loud whistle sounds from the game leader. A run is successful if the runner is back in the kick zone before the whistle sounds (the ball is in the "nest"). The run markers are neutral points where the runner can interrupt his run and wait for the next kick. If a runner is not at a run mark when the referee blows his whistle, he must return to the kick zone without having scored a point for his team.
If the ball is caught directly out of the air by the catching team, they are awarded a point and the runner must return to the kick zone.
If a runner is found between the running marks when the referee whistles, he is completely eliminated from the game so that the kicking team becomes smaller (provide additional tasks).
Games / Tournament
Game idea:
One team throws the ball and calls out the colour of one of the other teams. The other team must catch the ball before it hits the ground. The aim of the game is, of course, to throw the ball to the other team so that they cannot catch it before it hits the ground.
- If the receiving team drops the ball, the other 2 teams each get a point.
- If the serving team (or the serving team itself) makes a mistake, the other two teams each score one point.
The entire hall (maximum 21m x 21m). The walls, ceiling and objects in the sports hall (basketball hoop, etc.) are not part of the playing field and must be considered off.
Number of participants:
Playing rules:
The serving team determines the team that must receive the ball. Before the serve is executed, the serving player must call out the word "Omnikin" followed by the colour of the opposing team of their choice. Only then may he hit the ball upwards or horizontally with one or both arms. The ball must fly at least 1.8 metres. The team whose colour was called out loud becomes the receiving team and must control the ball before it touches the ground. You can control the ball with any part of your body without catching or holding it. If the ball is only touched by one or two players when it is received, they may move onto the pitch by holding the ball in their hands or by passing the ball to each other. In this way, they can thwart the opponents' defence on the next serve. As soon as three players of the team have touched the ball, the ball must be stopped. At this point, the ball must be served again.
If a mistake is made, the referee whistles and stops the game. The referee places the ball where the mistake was made and gives it to the team that made the mistake. The other two teams are awarded one point each.
Faults are awarded if
- the bouncing player hits the ball directly out of bounds (the ball touches a wall, the ceiling or any other object in the sports hall (basketball hoop, light, bench).
- the ball is hit with a downward trajectory.
- the ball does not fly at least 1.8 metres.
- the same player serves the ball twice in succession.
- the ball is not touched by 3 players during the serve.
The game lasts until one team has won 3 periods (maximum 7 periods in total). One period lasts 7 minutes.
Games / Tournament
Group work
Game idea:
Two teams with several field players and a goalkeeper play the ball with the intercrosse stick by skilfully attacking the opponent's goal. The aim is to prevent the opponent from scoring goals by playing good defence.
A goal is scored when the ball crosses the goal line completely.
Playing field:
45 m wide and 102 m long. The (floorball) goals are located 14m in front of the end of the pitch.
Number of participants:
10 against 10 (9 outfield players plus 1 goalkeeper), indoors 6 against 6.
Rules of the game:
After the referee's whistle, two players in the centre try to play out the ball between them, capture it or pass it to one of their teammates. The attacker/defender positions change as soon as the defending team has won the ball. Physical contact and knocking the ball away are permitted throughout the game.
Fouls: Personal fouls are pushing using the stick as resistance, blows with the stick that hit the body or head, unnecessary roughness. The penalty time for a personal foul is one to three minutes. Technical fouls include offside, pushing from behind, holding and the active use of the free arm of a player carrying the ball. Penalties for technical fouls are cancelled by a goal.
For safety reasons, however, the same rules as for intercrosse are also used outdoors in sports lessons, i.e. no physical contact is made.
Games / Tournament
Game idea:
Two parties face each other on the court and try to score points by playing the ball into the opponent's court so that the opponent can no longer return the ball according to the rules. The game is analogous to tennis.
Scoring points:
A point is scored when the cue ball touches the ground twice in succession in the opponent's half of the court, with the first touch occurring within the marked area or when the opponent is unable to return the ball in accordance with the rules.
A net (can also be improvised) is stretched to a height of approx. 1.1m (top edge). The court is defined with lines or cones (e.g. badminton court; half a tennis court).
Number of participants:
1 against 1 (singles) or 2 against 2 (doubles)
Rules of the game:
The serve is made from below behind the baseline. At the time of the serve, the opponent is also on the baseline. The serve may not be taken directly from the air. The serve must be hit over the net into the opponent's court. There are no rules regarding cross serves. The serve is awarded to the player who has scored the point.
The game is played to a defined number of points (e.g. 15 points) or to a specific time. Each error (ball not returned in accordance with the rules, i.e. the ball is played out of bounds or into the net or does not reach the net at all) results in a point for the opponent. The ball is considered "out" if it has landed completely outside the line. Rolling the ball over the net is permitted, but touching the net by the player is prohibited. The racket may not protrude over the net into the opponent's court.
Games / Tournament
Game idea:
Two teams with several outfield players and a goalkeeper play the softball into the opponent's goal by attacking skilfully. Good defensive behaviour should prevent the opponent from scoring goals.
A goal is scored when the ball completely crosses the goal line.
Playing field:
Smolball field (22mx36m). Two goals with a goal area (2mx5m).
The entire hall is used as a playing field (hall walls are part of the playing field). In the field, side and base lines delimit the playing field.
Number of participants:
4 against 4 (3 field players plus goalkeeper)
Game rules:
The game begins with a bouncing ball in the centre of the field. One player from each team touches the centre with the tip of their stick. By throwing up the cue ball, the referee releases the game.
The following 4-man rules apply to smolball:
- The ball, which is balanced on the racket, may be carried a maximum of 4 steps and must then be passed immediately.
- The ball may be touched a maximum of 4 times before it is passed on.
- The ball may be touched a maximum of 4 times before it is played on (picking up the ball from the ground does not count as touching the ball).
- The ball at rest on the racket, without the player moving, may be held for a maximum of 4 seconds.
- The ball may not be covered with the racket or the body, but must be played on immediately. If the ball is on the ground, it may only be picked up from the ground with the racket without touching any part of the body and played on. It is not permitted to actively play the ball with the foot, lower leg, hand, arm or head.
Stick shots, body shots, attacks from behind, active body contact and playing the ball against the ceiling result in a free hit for the opposing team. The free hit is taken indirectly at the place of the offence, whereby the opponent must keep a distance of 4m. Exceptions to this rule are offences committed behind the goal and in the goal area. In these cases, the free shot is taken from the front corner of the goal area. If a goal-scoring opportunity is prevented by a violation of the rules, the fouled player is awarded a penalty (direct shot from a distance of 4m; the goalkeeper stands with both feet on the goal line; the field players stand 4m behind the penalty taker).
If Smolball is played on an outdoor pitch, the boundary of the pitch plays an additional role. If the ball leaves the field of play, it is brought back into play by a free hit by the opposing team at the place of the incident.
Games / Tournament
Game idea:
Two parties try to score a direct point by skilfully hitting the speeder or to force a mistake by the opposing party.
A point is scored if the speeder lands in the opposing field or the opposing party cannot return the speeder in accordance with the rules.
Playing field:
In singles (1 vs. 1), the playing field consists of two square courts (5.5m x 5.5m) that are set up 12.80m apart (corresponds to a tennis court divided lengthwise).
For doubles (2 against 2), the court widths are doubled (11m x 5.5m), which corresponds to the size of a tennis court.
There is no net
Number of participants:
1 against 1 (singles), 2 against 2 (doubles)
Rules of the game:
A match is played over three winning sets. A set ends with 16 winning points. At 15:15, the set goes into extra time until one of the players has a 2-point lead. After each set, the side is changed to ensure equal opportunities (wind and light conditions). If it comes to a fifth set (deciding set), the sides are switched as soon as one player has reached 8 points.
The right to serve and the choice of side is decided by drawing lots. Each player has 3 serves in a row. Each party can score regardless of the right to serve. If the score is tied at 15:15, the right to serve changes after each point. The service is executed either from the centre of the court or from behind the baseline. When serving, the speeder is dropped from hip height in front of the body and then hit. Overhead serves from a standing or jumping position are only permitted from the back baseline. The first serve of the following set goes to the loser of the previous set.
Play with howler
Games / Tournament
Play idea:
The team in possession of the howler attempts to move the ball in the direction of the targeted end zone. The opposing team tries to prevent this movement and force possession of the howler by means of a "turnover" (see rules of the game). The howler may only be moved by throws from one player to the other.
Scoring points:
The aim is to catch the howler in the opposite end zone following a pass from a team-mate and thus score a point.
Playing field:
Rectangular field with an end zone at each end. 64mx37m with 18m outdoor end zone, 40mx25m with 15m indoor end zone.
The pitch is bounded by cones. The connections between them form the side or out lines.
Number of ends:
7 against 7 outdoor, 5 against 5 indoor
Game rules:
At the start of the game and after each point, the teams line up on their end zone line. The team that starts or has just scored throws a high, long pass towards the opponent's end zone (throw-off). As soon as the howler is released, all participants may move freely on the field.
The howler may be thrown in any direction. The player with the howler in his hands may neither walk nor run, only star steps are allowed. However, if the toy is caught during the race, the movement may be slowed down by the required number of steps. The howler may not be handed over, but must move from A to B through the air. If the attackers are unable to catch the howler (the howler touches the ground, flies out of bounds or the opponent intercepts it or knocks it to the ground), the defending team gains possession of the howler and attacks. This is referred to as a "turnover". There is no interruption to the game.
The defender covering the thrower must keep at least an arm's length away. Only one player may cover the thrower at a time; the next defender must be at least three metres away. The attacker must play the howler after a maximum of 10 seconds. To signal this, the defender counts the seconds out loud.
Body contact or tackling is not permitted. Each player is responsible for signalling an infringement of the rules. There is no referee. Fair play is therefore very important. If an attacker and a defender catch the howler at the same time, it belongs to the attacker.
Optional: After a successful point is scored, the teams switch sides. The team that scored the point then starts again with a throw-off towards the opposing team.
Games / Tournament
Game idea:
By passing the ball quickly and accurately, one team brings the ball in front of the basket and completes the attack with a direct throw into the basket or via the board. The opposing team has the task of fending off the attack, gaining possession of the ball and going on the attack. In contrast to basketball, streetball is only played for a basket.
Scoring points:
A basket from the field counts as 1 point, if the throw is beyond the two-point line, it counts as 2 points. A free throw after a foul on a shot attempt counts as 1 point.
Half basketball court; basket with rebound board; basket height 3.05m.
Number of participants:
3 against 3.
Game rules:
The game begins with a jump ball in the centre of the court. After changing possession (e.g. after a successful basket shot or the defending team taking possession of the ball), the ball must be played behind the two-point line by the attackers each time and touched by two players before a basket shot can be made. The game ends when a team has scored 16 points or after a certain time.
The game is played largely without physical contact. A maximum of one step may be taken with the ball in the hands without bouncing or passing (step fault). So-called doubles are also prohibited (catch-bounce-catch-bounce). Star steps are permitted with the ball in the hands (one leg remains firmly on the ground). All fouls are signalled by the fouling or fouled player. Fairness is the be-all and end-all here. Play continues with possession of the ball for the fouled team. If the foul occurs during a throw attempt, a free throw is awarded (two for an attempt outside the two-point line).
If the ball leaves the court, the opposing team returns it into play with a throw-in.
Games / Tournament
Game idea:
The game is played in two teams. Both teams can play on both tchoukball frames. To score a point, the attacking team plays the ball onto the tchoukball frame in such a way that the rebound falls to the ground out of reach of the opposing players but within the playing area.
Scoring a point:
A player scores a point for his team if the ball touches the ground within the boundary of the court after returning from the frame without being caught by an opponent.
The opponent is awarded a point if:
1. the frame is not hit,
2. the ball hits the ground after bouncing on the frame. The ball touches the ground after bouncing on the frame outside the field
3. The ball falls into the forbidden zone before or after the bounce
4. The ball hits the same player again after the bounce.
Field of approx. 15mx26m with a 3m semicircle in front of each of the two tchoukball frames.
Number of participants:
3 against 3 to 7 against 7.
Rules of the game:
After a point is scored, the ball is played by the team that lost the point. The ball is played behind the baseline of the frame in which the point was scored. If the ball has passed the centre line after the face-off, it may be thrown on either frame.
In the event of a fault, a free throw is taken at the place where the fault occurred. At least one pass must be made before a throw on a frame.
A player commits a fault if...
- ...he runs or bounces the ball.
- ...he touches the floor more than three times with the ball in his hand.
- ...he plays the ball with his legs or feet.
Games / Tournament
Game idea:
Two teams with several outfield players and a goalkeeper play the ball into the opponent's goal through skilful attacking. Good defensive behaviour should prevent the opponent from scoring goals.
A goal is scored when the ball completely crosses the opponent's goal line.
Playing field:
Unihockey field (14mx21m) separated by boards. Two goals with a goal area (4.5mx3.5m).
Number of participants:
4 against 4 (3 field players plus goalkeeper)
Game rules:
The game begins in each section and after each goal with a face-off in the centre of the field by means of a bully.
The ball may only be played with the stick (except when the ball is advanced with the foot). The goalkeeper plays without a stick and may use his hands to defend or play the ball.
It is forbidden to lunge or swing the stick above hip height. You may not hit the opponent's stick or body with your own stick. Lifting the opponent's stick is also not permitted. A player may not lie down on the ground (maximum 3-point contact). When receiving the ball, at least one foot must touch the ground.
If the ball leaves the playing area, it is brought back into play by the opposing team within the playing area by means of a free hit (exception behind the goal: in this case, the face-off takes place at the next face-off spot from the corner of the playing area). Even after a foul, the free hit is taken at the place of the offence, unless it happened behind the baseline. The opposing players must keep a distance of two metres from each free hit.
Games / Tournament
Game idea:
Two equally sized pitches are divided by a centre line. The sky of both teams is located behind the baseline of the opposing team's pitch. One player is in the sky at the start of the game. During the game, each team tries to shoot the opposing players from their own pitch. Whoever is hit moves to the sky and can continue to try to hit opposing players with the ball from there. The player who is in the sky at the start of the game enters the playing field when a team-mate hits the ball for the first time. Anyone who catches a thrown ball keeps their life. The first team to run out of players loses the game.
- A player who catches an opponent with the ball from the sky may return to the playing field.
- After a player lies down on his stomach in the sky, he may immediately attempt to run back into the playing field. If they are touched by an opponent while crossing the opponent's pitch, they must return to the sky.
- Two players can sneak out of the sky by piggybacking. If they are touched by an opponent while crossing the opponent's playing field, they must return to the sky.
- The last player in the playing field has several lives.
- There are 1-2 Swedish boxes in the playing field that can be used as cover.
- Each player (except those in the sky) places a cone in the playing field. If a cone is knocked over (by the ball or by touching it), the player who placed the cone goes to heaven.
- This variant begins in the same way as the basic form ends. One player is in the playing field, the rest start in the sky. The players in the sky try to hit the players in the field. If they succeed, they are allowed to enter the playing field, which continues to fill up. This makes it increasingly easier for the players in the sky to enter the playing field as the number of targets increases. Players hit in the playing field remain there. Which team is the first to run out of players in the sky?
- Each team secretly chooses a king and a jester. The sports director is informed of the choice. As soon as the king is chosen, the game is over. The jester cannot be hit and can therefore protect all players (including the king).
- Each team numbers its players in secret and gives the order to the sports director
Games / Tournament
Game idea:
Two teams face each other on the volleyball court and play the ball over the net so that it falls to the ground in the opponent's court.
A point is scored if the ball lands in the opponent's court or the opposing team is unable to return the ball in accordance with the rules.
Volleyball court (9m x 18m) divided in the middle by a net. Net height 2.00m to 2.42m depending on the category.
Number of participants:
6 against 6
Rules of the game:
The serve is executed behind the baseline by the team that won the last point or has the right to serve and must be hit directly over the net to the other side. If the ball is in play, the team in possession of the ball has the right to hit the ball three times (plus block contact) to return the ball to the opponent's half of the court. The ball may not be caught or guided and may not be touched twice in succession by a single player. The ball may be played with any part of the body (exception: at the face-off). The net may not be touched by the players at the upper white band. The move lasts until the ball touches the ground, goes out of bounds or a team fails to return it properly.
If the right to play the ball is regained by scoring a point, the players change positions in a clockwise direction. A set goes to 25 points with a difference of at least 2 points, otherwise the game continues until a 2-point lead has been established. If a team can win 3 sets, the game is won.