Exercises (176)
Blitzball: All against all
Forms of play / exercises
Group work
Two teams play against each other in a given field. The aim is to play as many passes as possible in the team before an opponent can intercept the ball or the ball falls to the ground. Whoever gets a pat on the shoulder from the opponent must pass. If the pass is intercepted or the ball falls to the ground, the ball changes hands and the other team can play the passes. Whoever has played the most passes after a predetermined time wins.
10 passes result in one point. If a point is scored, the ball changes hands.
1 rugby ball
x game wristbands / covers ► team identification
Blitzball: Passing in a circle
Forms of play / exercises
Group work
5-8 participants per group (ideally groups of 6)
Each six participants form an outer front circle and pass a rugby ball around the outside of the circle. Round to the right / round to the left / ditto with two balls (aim: catch up with the other ball).
Per group:
2 rugby balls
Fistball: Ball over the string
Forms of play / exercises
2 teams of 3-5 players each
Game over the net with 2 teams of 3-5 players each. The ball may be caught and is then thrown from the bottom to the top over the net into the opposing team's half of the field (no passing allowed within the own team). After each throw, the thrower runs around one of the cones, which are placed 1-2 metres outside the playing area. Each side has one cone next to the sideline and one behind the baseline. The opposing team catches the ball before it falls to the ground and then throws it back. Points for: Ball touches the ground, ball leaves the court, ball lands in the net.
After a catch ball, 3 passes are allowed within the own team.
1 fistball
1 fistball net
6 cones
Fistball: Bänkle
Forms of play / exercises
2 teams of 3-5 players each
Normal fistball game with 2 teams of 3-5 players each, but not over a line/net, but over a long bench. The kick-off is approx. 1 metre behind the long bench. Shots from above are not allowed.
1 fistball
1 long bench
Fistball: Stay on top
Forms of play / exercises
2 teams of 4-5 players each
Normal fistball game with 2 teams of 4-5 players each. Each team receives a balloon, which must also be kept in the air. If the balloon falls to the ground, a penalty point is awarded. The game continues without interruption.
1 fistball
1 fistball net
2 balloons
Fistball: Chaos game
Forms of play / exercises
2 teams of 4-5 players each
The playing field is divided in the centre by a long bench or two Swedish boxes. There are 4-5 players on each half of the pitch. Normal fistball is played with the addition that the players must change halves of the field after touching the ball.
If the above task works, the players must change halves of the field after touching the ball.
1 fistball
1 long bench
2 vaulting boxes
Fistball: Kegel-Ball
Forms of play / exercises
2 teams of 4-5 players each
Normal fistball game with 2 teams of 2-5 players each. Each team places 2-5 cones in the field. If a player or the ball touches a cone, this results in an extra point for the opponent.
1 fistball
1 fistball net
4-10 cones
Fistball: King's Ball
Forms of play / exercises
2 teams of 4-5 players each
Normal fistball game with 2 teams of 4-5 players each. Each team has a king (labelled with a ribbon). The king always has to defend the first ball (after the opponent's kick-off and return). Play then continues as normal.
1 fistball
1 fistball net
2 game ribbons
Fistball: Take your time
Forms of play / exercises
2 teams of 4-5 players each
Normal fistball game with 2 teams of 4-5 players each. However, the teams are allowed to touch the ball as many times as they need to make a return. However, the ball may not be played twice in succession by the same player.
1 fistball
1 fistball net
Fistball: Hit the goal
Forms of play / exercises
2 teams of 4-5 players each
Normal fistball game with 2 teams of 4-5 players each. A sector is marked on the net with flags or similar. If a team hits the "goal" during the kick-off or return, an extra point is scored. The game continues without interruption.
1 fistball
1 fistball net
2 flags
Fistball: Forwards - Backwards
Forms of play / exercises
2 teams of 4-5 players each
Normal fistball game with 2 teams of 4-5 players each. The first set is played to 11 points. The second set is played backwards. The points scored in the first set must be reduced again. The losing team in the first set must therefore score fewer points in the second set. Who wins the second set?
1 fistball
1 fistball net
Fistball: Pass
Forms of play / exercises
Partner work
Two participants stand opposite each other and pass the fistball to each other. They vary between the distances independently. The indirect pass is performed in the forward position. The high-low movement forwards alone guides the ball while the arm remains still.
Also try passing with the weaker hand.
Per group of 2:
1 fistball
FooBaSKILL: Dribbling, passing with a basket shot as a finish
Forms of play / exercises
Group work
The participants spread out in the corners of the pitch at the start of the exercise. The sequence of the exercise is as follows:
Two players (A1+B1 or A2+B2) perform the exercise together on one side along the entire length of the hall.
Player A1:
- Dribbling around the marker sticks (incl. change of hands)
- Pass to player B1
- Running around the marker change of hands)
- Pass to player B1
- Run around the marker, demand and receive the pass
- Finish with a lay-up
- Settle into the line of players opposite the starting point (new player B1)
Player B1:
- Sprint to the mark (note timing to player A1)
- Claim and receive the ball
- Pass into the run of player A1
- Chase after player A1 to secure the ball after he has finished (rebound)
- Join the column on the opposite side (new player A2)
Player A2: Analogue to player A1, but becomes player B2 after the exercise
Player B2: Analogue to player B1, but becomes player A1 after the exercise
The players therefore rotate in an anti-clockwise direction.
12 colouring sticks
2 marking cones
x basketballs
FooBaSKILL: Foosball
Forms of play / exercises
2 teams of 4-7 players each
2 teams (4-7 players each) play against each other at their own target. The target is a hoop that is held horizontally in front of the vaulting box by a player standing on the vaulting box. The player may move the hoop towards the ball.
Goal: good teamwork.
Target throws to the hoop may not be defended.
Per 2 teams:
1 basketball
2 hoops
x game wristbands / overcoats ►team identification
FooBaSKILL: Passing relay with a basket shot as a finish
Forms of play / exercises
Group work
The participants pass the ball to each other in the specified form before the last player in the line puts the ball in the basket with a lay-up.
Passing sequence:
1. A-B Overhead pass
2. B-C Chest pass
3. C-D Floor pass
4. D-E Lateral curve pass (i.e. pass next to the body; with one or both hands)
5.i.e. pass next to the body; one- or two-handed)
5. E Finish with a lay-up
6. F Secure the ball, then line up with the ball in the column
7. A-F Move to the next position in order immediately after the action
Per group:
5 colouring sticks
x basketballs
FooBaSKILL: Rebound
Forms of play / exercises
2 Teams with 3-4 Spieler
Basketball game with 2 teams (3-4 players each) on one half of the court. Aim for the basket and two additional hoops. An oversized ball, e.g. a gym ball, is placed on the basketball hoop. 2 points can be scored if the basketball bouncing off the gym ball is caught as a rebound. 1 point is scored if the ball is placed in a hoop. This can be prevented by a defender putting his foot in the hoop. The attacker is the referee.
Objectives: Use of the rebound, opening up the game through additional scoring opportunities.
Variant I:
Change of possession after a point or when the ball is lost.
Variant II:
One team tries to score as many points as possible during 1-3 minutes and counts the points.
Per half of the court:
1 basketball
1 basketball hoop
1 gym ball
2 hoops
x game wristbands / covers ► Team labelling
Frisbee Ultimate: Burning disc
Forms of play / exercises
2 Teams
In a marked playing field, several markings are made along the outer lines. Two teams play against each other. One team (runner) has the task of completing a predetermined route from mark to mark as quickly as possible. To do this, one participant throws the disc from the drop point (e.g. tyre) and starts running. It is allowed to run until the field team (catcher) returns the disc to the dropping point and burns it there. If the runners are not at the firing point at the same time, they burn and have to return to the start without scoring any points (possibly incorporate additional exercises to shorten the waiting time). Each completed lap scores one point for the runners. If a runner rounds the course without stopping, the run counts double. The field team may not run with the disc, it may only be passed. The winner is the team that scores the most points in a given time (e.g. 2 x 6 minutes).
Variant I:
Only one runner is allowed at each mark. If there are two participants, one burns.
Variant II:
Play with two or more discs.
1 frisbee
x colouring sticks
1 tyre
Frisbee Ultimate: Frisbee handball
Forms of play / exercises
2 Teams
Two teams play against each other on a pitch with a frisbee on two goals. As in handball, the goal circles may not be entered. Unlike handball, however, no physical contact is allowed in this form of the game (one arm's length away from the thrower) and there is no goalkeeper. If the disc falls to the ground, the team that last touched the frisbee loses possession.
1 frisbee
2 goals (handball/uni hockey goals or mats)
x cones (goal circles)
Frisbee baseball (Brennball)
Forms of play / exercises
Group work
2 teams
Two teams play against each other, with one group representing the throwing team and the other the catching team. The roles are swapped halfway through the game (define the number of throws or set a time). Two marker cones mark the throwing zone, behind which all players of team A line up. Four further marker cones (placed in a rectangle) symbolise the running track. Team B lines up along the entire running track within the playing field.
Two runners from team A get ready to throw. One player holds the rugby ball, the other the throwing disc. At the same time, they throw the ball into the pitch. After each throw, both participants run to the first marker cone on the running track. The players of team B try to get the throwing disc to the "burning point" (hoop) as quickly as possible. The second task of the field team is to line up in a column and pass the ball between their legs to the last player. The last player in the line is usually the player who placed the disc in the hoop. So if the disc is in the hoop, all field players have touched the ball and passed it between their legs to a team-mate, the entire team B shouts "Stop" as soon as the last player in the one-man column has received the ball. If the runners are not at a marker but on the track when the "stop" signal is given, they must return to the previous marker (any number of runners may be at the markers). The runners therefore decide for themselves at each marker whether they want to continue their run or wait (until the next throw of the other players to continue the run). The team receives one point for each completed run. The points are entered on the score sheet by the respective participant after the run (put a line behind the team name). If the ball or throwing disc is caught directly by the field team, the field team receives one point, which is noted on the score sheet by the sports director. Whichever team scores more points with the number of defined throws or within the specified time wins the game. The number of throws is the slightly fairer option to prevent the field team from suddenly starting to run out of time when the equipment is returned.
If a runner is not at a marker when the "stop signal" is given, they must return to the start and line up with the throwers (or drop out completely and perform additional tasks at the edge of the field).
6 marking cones
1 rugby ball
1 throwing disc (frisbee)
1 tyre
1 flipchart (evaluation)
Football/Futsal: Carousel
Forms of play / exercises
Group work
Simple standard pass and shot exercise: The players stand in both corners next to the goal. The foremost player runs in a high arc into the centre in front of the goal (around the marker stick). There he receives the ball from the other side and shoots (at the height of the two cones). The passer runs up next and shoots at the goal.
- Shooting at the empty goal or whoever has shot then stands in the goal themselves.
- The sports leader can request different types of passes/shots (direct shots are also possible).
Per group:
1 goal
x footballs
4 cones (incl. starting markers)
1 colouring stick
Football/Futsal: Pass
Forms of play / exercises
Groups of 2
Two participants face each other and pass the football to each other. The distances, types of pass and ball reception are varied (instep, outstep, full instep, direct play, etc.). After the static form, the participants move freely around the hall/grounds and pass the ball to each other while moving.
Per group:
1 football
Football/Futsal: Passing in the group
Forms of play / exercises
Group work
All participants move freely around the hall/grounds. Within the group, the participants pass a football to each other. The exercise is then reorganised so that one group (e.g. blue) passes the ball to the other group (e.g. red) and in turn receives the ball from another group (e.g. green). The sports leader can integrate additional balls into the exercise.
Per group:
1 football
4 additional balls
x wristbands / overcoats ►team identification
Football/Futsal: Goalball
Forms of play / exercises
2 Teams
Two teams play against each other on a limited playing field. The team with the football tries to pass the ball between the goals (e.g. colouring sticks, cones or marker cones) as often as possible. The ball must be caught/received by a team-mate behind the goal. If the opposing team captures the ball, they can try to score goals.
8 goals
1 football
16 colouring sticks
16 cones
16 marker cones
x game ribbons / covers
Equal numbers: 2 against 2
Forms of play / exercises
Group work
Groups of 4 ► 2 vs. 2
Exercise description:
Players A and B pass a ball/disc to each other in a given space. Players C and D try to gain possession of the ball/disc themselves by intercepting the ball/disc in order to pass the ball/disc to each other. Which team has achieved more passes within a certain time? It is possible to change both partners and opponents regularly (more time required).
Which team is the first to complete 10 passes in a row (= 1 point)?
1 bat/stick ►intercross/lacrosse, smolball, floorball
1 ball/throwing disc ►basketball, Frisbee Ultimate, FooBaSKILL, futsal/football, handball, intercross/lacrosse, smolball, tchoukball, floorball
4 marking cones/caps (optional) ►pitch boundary
Handball: 7 against 4
Forms of play / exercises
7 against 4

On two or more pitches, 7 attackers play against 4 defenders. The attackers try to play 20 passes, for example. The defenders simultaneously aim to touch an attacker who is in possession of the ball. If they succeed, the game starts again. Change function after 5 attempts.
Objective: free running, precise passing, cover work, anticipation.
4 armbands / covers
1 handball