Exercises (176)
Street Racket (creative game settings): rollmops
Forms of play / exercises
Group work
Two teams face each other on two lines with as many balls as possible. There is a large, light ball in the centre of the playing field. Which team manages to hit the large ball over the opponent's baseline first (or who has moved the ball closer to the opponent's baseline after a certain time)?
The participants may only hit behind the baseline; retrieving balls in the court is permitted
After winning a point, the big ball is immediately placed back in the centre of the court (no interruption of play)
Increased intensity: Multiple target balls
Differentiation: change the position of the baseline
Quadrangular match: 4 teams each stand on a baseline of a square and all play against each other
to be able to hit a moving object.
Per participant:
1 racket (Street Racket)
Per group:
xxx balls (Street Racket)
1 softball (light)
2-3 (additional) softballs ►Variation of the game (intensity)
Street Racket (cross field): Group run
Forms of play / exercises
Group work
There are two parallel rounds with two balls in a large group (approx. 8-12 participants). One ball is played back and forth between fields 1 and 3, the other ball between fields 2 and 4. Each player alternates between the two rallies and moves from court to court in a circle (= a player hits ball 1 from court 2 to court 4, moves to court 3, plays ball 2 into court 1, moves to court 4, etc.).
Tactical tip:
Always be alert and watch out for both balls and the shift to the next square at the same time
- 2 separate round trips: instead of a combination of all squares, the round trip can also be played twice in isolation; the participants can rotate directly (cross the other group and pay close attention to the second ball) or indirectly (around the other group - further distance without crossing)
Pro Tn:
1 racket (street racket)
Pro group:
1 ball (street racket)
chalk, paint, spray, adhesive tape
Street Racket (Kreuzfeld): Karussell
Forms of play / exercises
Group work
A ball is played from one square to the next in a cross field. Which group will manage the most rounds without making a mistake in this way?
To be able to play the squares of a cross field consciously and under time pressure.
- Change direction: when the game leader calls out (change), the ball changes direction
- Skip: when the game leader calls out (skip), skip the next square and play the ball to the opponent
- Change direction and skip: Use both forms mentioned above simultaneously
- Invent further commands and actions and communicate them in different ways (hand signals, stomping, clapping, commands, etc.).)
Command or call out as early as possible
Pro Tn:
1 racket (street racket)
Pro group:
1 ball (street racket)
chalk, paint, spray, adhesive tape
Street Racket (cross field): King game
Forms of play / exercises
Group work
Building on the "Quartet" game form (see exercise collection), the king tries to rule the playing field for as long as possible. The 4 squares are numbered from 1-4, the king stands in square 4. Each participant can play any square (however, it makes the most sense to play the king square). If you make a mistake, you have to go back to square 1 and any empty squares are filled (move up). Only the king can score points if he remains in the game (if the other players make a mistake). The king always has the lead. If there are more than four players, there is a queue in front of square 1.
to rule as king for as long as possible.
- Ruling together: 2 participants alternate after each shot (or after each rally) and act as a team
- 2 kingdoms: one king game takes place on the cross court, a parallel and completely separate king game also takes place in the 4 outer corners (with a second ball) around the cross court (maxi court)
Per participant:
1 racket (street racket)
Per group:
1 ball (street racket)
Chalk, paint, spray, adhesive tape
1 additional ball ►Variation of the exercise (maxi field)
Street Racket (Kreuzfeld): Quartet
Forms of play / exercises
Group work
There are 4 players in the four squares of a cross field. Each player may play the other 3 squares at will. How many valid balls can the quartet play in a row in this way without making a mistake?
to be able to play the ball in all directions in the cross field.
- Elimination: everyone has 5 "lives"; whoever has none left is eliminated and the corresponding square can no longer be played. The three remaining participants continue to play on 3 squares, then there is a final game in two squares until a winner is determined
- Running game: 5 instead of 4 participants; after each shot, the player follows the ball into the square that has just been played and then serves it. The fifth participant immediately takes over the first player's square after the start
- Joker square: 3 participants; 1 player covers two adjacent squares
Pro Tn:
1 racket (street racket)
Pro group:
1 ball (street racket)
chalk, paint, spray, adhesive tape
Street Racket (cross field): Blocking field
Forms of play / exercises
Group work
Three participants play in only three squares of the cross field (block one square with a large cross or do not draw it at all). Each player can play the other two squares as they wish.
Methodological tips:
- The form can be played as a cooperative game (collect as many points/shots as possible together) or as a competitive variant (points deducted for a mistake; each player has 5 "lives", for example)
- The game is suitable for odd-sized groups
Pro Tn:
1 racket (street racket)
Pro group:
1 ball (street racket)
chalk, paint, spray, adhesive tape
Street Racket (cross field): doubles
Forms of play / exercises
Group work
In this team game with 4 participants, both teams cover 2 squares each. The ball must always land alternately in the zone of team A and then team B. Each player defends their square. The game is played to 11 points.
The interaction in the teams can be intensified and varied (handshakes, swapping rackets, etc.).
cover the cross court as a team and play successfully
Switch doubles: after each ball played, the players of the corresponding team switch their squares (a call of "switch" makes the task easier)
double doubles: two participants alternate per square and also switch (switch doubles) together (= 8 players in action)
Per participant:
1 racket (Street Racket)
Per group:
1 ball (Street Racket)
chalk, paint, spray, adhesive tape
Street Racket (cross field): duel
Forms of play / exercises
Partner work
Two participants each cover 2 adjacent squares and play against each other. Both players can play into both of their opponent's squares in any order.
The cross-duel is one of the most intense Street Racket forms. Therefore, this exercise only makes sense after a warm-up phase. The approach shot must always be at least shoulder-high.
Be able to control the racquet and ball under pressure and from the run.
Double hit: before hitting the ball back into one of the opponent's courts, you must first hit your own second court
Make it easier:
Slow down the pace: play the ball at least to head or shoulder height on every shot
Per participant:
1 racket (Street Racket)
Per group:
1 ball (Street Racket)
chalk, paint, spray, adhesive tape
Street Racket (cross field): duo relay
Forms of play / exercises
Partner work
Two participants repeatedly play the ball from 1-4 into the corresponding fields according to the numbers. Player A moves as follows: 1-3-1-3; player B: 2-4-2-4 etc. How many cooperative rounds with the ball can the team complete in this way?
Per participant:
1 racket (Street Racket)
Per group:
1 ball (Street Racket)
chalk, paint, spray, adhesive tape
Street Racket (cross field): fit in a trio
Forms of play / exercises
Group work
Only three players occupy the cross field. After a shot, the player moves one square in the opposite direction into the free field or free space and waits there for the next shot. A participant next to the free field starts the rally.
Methodological tips:
The form can be played as a cooperative game (collect as many points/shots as possible together) or as a competitive variant (points deducted for a mistake; each player has 5 "lives", for example)
The game is suitable for odd-sized groups
Per participant:
1 racket (Street Racket)
Per group:
1 ball (Street Racket)
chalk, paint, spray, adhesive tape
Street Racket (Maxifeld): 3 versus 3
Forms of play / exercises
Group work
The centre 3 squares of a maxi court are each marked with an "X" as a large net (maxi court = 4 corners of the cross court are also marked as playing fields). The game is played to 11 points and 3 winning sets. Each player serves one square. Which trio wins?
play against each other as a team on the maxi field.
- Elimination: whoever makes a mistake is eliminated; whichever side runs out of players first loses.
- Mark other playing fields or squares with an "X". Mark squares with an "X" to change the possible stroke variants and number of players
- The players switch to a new square on their team side after each stroke
- Play 3 against 2 or even 3 against 1
Pro Tn:
1 racket (street racket)
Pro group:
1 ball (street racket)
chalk, paint, spray, adhesive tape
Street Racket (maxi field): Individual pursuit
Forms of play / exercises
Group work
Two participants start in diagonally distant corners of a maxi field (9 identically sized squares). By adhering to the basic rules of street racket (play the ball upwards), both players try to move their ball from square to square (define the centre square as the exclusion zone) in the same direction as quickly as possible and catch up with the other player. In a group of 3-5 players, the winner of a chase stays on the field, the loser joins the waiting participants. After three consecutive victories, the winner also takes a break (receiving a "crown" as a superior point win).
In the event of a mistake (ball must bounce once per square before it is played into the next square), retrieve the ball as quickly as possible and play the same square again
Tactical tip:
Playing the balls lower speeds up the pace, but also makes the task more difficult - the right mix is required
Pro Tn:
1 racket (street racket)
Pro group:
1 ball (street racket)
chalk, paint, spray, adhesive tape
Street Racket (maxi field): Play of colours
Forms of play / exercises
Group work
The outer squares of a maxi field (9 identically sized squares) are marked with 4 colours (define the middle square as a restricted zone). There is one player on each square. The 8 participants try to reproduce a jointly determined colour code by playing the squares in the correct order. (e.g. red-green-red-blue-yellow).
- 4 players: each participant serves 2 squares
- Colour code without end: each player names the next colour for the following player when they hit the correct square. The target square is freely selectable at the start and the first colour is named.
- Use additional colours
- Use letter or number codes instead of colours
Pro Tn:
1 racket (street racket)
Pro group:
1 ball (street racket)
Chalk, paint, spray, adhesive tape (outdoor) - coloured paper (indoor)
Street Racket (Maxifeld): Karussell
Forms of play / exercises
Group work
In a maxi field, the centre square is marked with an "X" as a restricted zone. As a team, 8 participants try to play a ball into the 8 (outer) squares of the maxi field without making any mistakes and thus complete as many rounds as possible. Each player is responsible for one square and remains in position.
to play together in a group in a controlled manner and cooperate.
- Two or more balls are in circulation at the same time for more action
- Team challenge: which group of 8 can complete 2 rounds first with one ball or more balls without making a mistake, for example?
Make it more difficult:
- the two balls run in opposite directions
- move to the next or next but one field after the shot (more running distances)
Per participant:
1 racket (street racket)
Per group:
1 ball (street racket)
Chalk, paint, spray, adhesive tape
1-3 additional balls ►Variation of the exercise
Street Racket (Maxifeld): Minifelder
Forms of play / exercises
Group work
Two players always cooperate in 2 touching squares (mini fields) of the maxi field (block the centre square so that 4 small playing fields are created in the maxi field). Which team of 2 can play the ball the longest from one square to the other and back again?
to be able to control the ball for a long time in a confined space.
- Mini league tournament: in each duel, the winner is promoted and the loser is relegated (except in the lowest league, the loser remains in position, as in the top league, the winner remains in place). Play for time or for a certain number of points.
- Single game: four participants play solo, alternating in 2 squares that touch each other and run with the ball into one square and back into the other with each shot
- Round as a group game: 3 players rotate in each square (2 directly adjacent squares); who can line up the most valid balls in this way
Pro Tn:
1 racket (street racket)
Pro group:
1 ball (street racket)
chalk, paint, spray, adhesive tape
Street Racket (maxi field): Synchronised displacement
Forms of play / exercises
Group work
The game form "Quartet" is played in the cross field (see collection of exercises). At a command from the game leader, all participants move in the appropriate direction (e.g. "to the right") to the outer four corners of the maxi field, while the game continues without interruption.
to be able to react continuously to changing ball paths and distances.
- The bounce of the ball in one of the four outer fields (e.g. field 1) results in the ball "flying out" to the outer corners.e.g. square 1) results in the ball "flying out" into the outer corners; hitting one of the four inner squares (e.g. square A) results in the ball being moved back into the cross court
- the shift from inside to outside and vice versa does not take place continuously, but only after a mistake and with a calm restart of the ball change
Pro Tn:
1 racket (street racket)
Pro group:
1 ball (street racket)
chalk, paint, spray, adhesive tape
Street Racket (Maxifeld): Turnier
Forms of play / exercises
Group work
In a group of 3-5 participants, two players duel each other in the modified maxi field. Each player covers 3 squares and tries to stay in the game to win a point. Anyone who makes a mistake leaves the field and a new player challenges the winner of the last rally. After 3 consecutive victories, an unbeaten player must also leave the court, but the victory still goes to him for the quota (or a "crown" as a superior point win).
Organisational tips:
- After each rally played, make a line in a table for both players; for each rally won, there is a line in an additional column
- When changing, make sure that the order of the waiting players is always adhered to
Pro Tn:
1 racket (street racket)
Pro group:
1 ball (street racket)
chalk, paint, spray, adhesive tape
Street Racket (Maxifeld): Turnier
Forms of play / exercises
Group work
The maxi field (9 identically sized squares) is used as 3 parallel individual fields (define 3 centre fields as a restricted zone). Two participants duel each other for a set time (e.g. 3 minutes). After each round, the opponent is changed within the group of 6 (one player remains in place at all times, the remaining players move one square in the same direction). After 5 rounds, everyone has played against each other once, who has won the most games?
- 4 individual fields: define only the centre field as a restricted zone, creating an additional playing field. This allows 8 players to be integrated into the tournament. It is extremely rare for two balls to touch in the air; in this case, both rallies are repeated.
- Cooperation: which team of two first manages to hit a certain number of valid balls back and forth (e.g. 20 shots). Then change partners or start a new challenge.
Pro Tn:
1 racket (street racket)
Pro group:
1 ball (street racket)
chalk, paint, spray, adhesive tape
Street Racket (wall panel): Doubles
Forms of play / exercises
Group work
Two wall fields (wall field = a single field marked half on the floor and half on the wall, creating a target window on the wall and a target area on the floor, with half of the centre zone in between, which may not be played on) are marked out with some distance (approx. 50cm) or directly next to each other. Two teams of 2 play doubles against each other. One participant per team covers one of the two wall fields.
Use stroke variations in a meaningful way, adapted to the situation.
- Cooperation: which two teams manage the longest rally with the same rules of the game?
- 9-player game: instead of 2 wall courts, three courts are drawn and instead of doubles, the game is played as a trio
- Path markers: Mark zones on the ground fields and mark them with 2 or 3 arrows (straight ahead, left, right); depending on which zone the ball hits, the ball must be played on in a certain direction (according to the arrows) and thus into the corresponding wall field
Pro Tn:
1 racket (street racket)
Pro group:
1 ball (street racket)
1 wall
chalk, paint, spray, adhesive tape
Street Racket (wall field): Ladder game
Forms of play / exercises
Individual work
3 adjacent squares are marked on the wall above a restricted zone (ladder rungs approx. 50-60cam apart). The ball is now played continuously by a participant in such a way that he climbs up the ladder rung by rung and then descends again (a total of 5 shots for one round). How many successful shots does the player manage in 6 attempts?
Pro Tn:
1 racket (street racket)
1 ball (street racket)
1 wall
chalk, paint, spray, adhesive tape
Street Racket (wall field): Point collector
Forms of play / exercises
Individual work
The wall field (a single field marked half on the floor and half on the wall, creating a target window on the wall and a target area on the floor, with half of the centre zone in between, which must not be played on) is designed with scoring zones. Concentric squares in the style of a dartboard show increasing numbers of points towards the centre. How many points can be collected with 10 strokes?
Train precision and control using the wall field.
- Arrange the hit zones vertically or horizontally instead of concentrically; in ascending or random order
- Include the target field on the floor and also provide it with numerical values; the number hit is either a bonus (additional points) or, for example, the multiplier of the number of points previously scored.For example, the number hit is either a bonus (additional points) or the multiplier of the number previously hit on the wall (creative ideas can be incorporated in a variety of ways)
- the shots can be performed by one player continuously or individually or as a group task in doubles or as a round robin
Pro Tn:
1 racket (street racket)
Pro group:
1 ball (street racket)
1 wall
chalk, paint, spray, adhesive tape
Street Racket (wall panel): Racket game
Forms of play / exercises
Partner work
A large square on the wall is divided into 9 equal squares so that the numbers 1-9 can be marked. Participant A plays the ball against the wall and calls out the number hit. Participant B then plays the ball back against the wall and adds his points to the previous number and so on. Which player is better at playing without making mistakes and calculating at the same time (e.g. 10 "lives" per player)?
More time to find the solution: the ball can be balanced on the racket if necessary until the result is called
Start again from 0 after each rally or continue playing from the last valid number
- Design the floor field with different operation symbols or simply with plus and minus symbols for the next number
- Multiple players: complete tasks in round robin form
Pro Tn:
1 racket (street racket)
1 ball (street racket)
1 wall
chalk, paint, spray, adhesive tape
Street Racket (wall panel): Rotary accordion
Forms of play / exercises
Group work
Multiple wall fields (wall field = a single field marked half on the floor and half on the wall, creating a target window on the wall and a target area on the floor, with half of the centre zone in between, which may not be played on) are marked out at some distance (approx. 50 cm) or directly next to each other. All participants start on the first square and play a round robin. The player who is eliminated moves down one court and plays a short single game (e.g. on 3-points) with the next player who is eliminated. The loser is relegated again, and so on. Who can hold the new field position as long as possible and who can stay on the first field until the end (winner)?
Organisational tip:
The game is over when there is only 1 player left on field 1. Then all participants start a joint round on field 1 again and finish their individual games on the other fields.
- Combine the round with the free game or with specific tasks for eliminated players on nearby single or cross fields
Pro Tn:
1 racket (street racket)
1 ball (street racket)
1 wall
chalk, paint, spray, adhesive tape
Street Racket (wall panel): Symbol-Memory
Forms of play / exercises
Partner work
4 hit zones are marked on the wall with 4 symbols (e.g. house, tree, star, square etc.). A waiting participant (or game master) gives a 4-digit code. The player must now hit the symbols in the correct order of the given code. How many successful hits can the player make in 6 attempts?
Pro Tn:
1 racket (street racket)
1 ball (street racket)
1 wall
chalk, paint, spray, adhesive tape
Street Racket (wall field): Angle play
Forms of play / exercises
Partner work
For a street racket wall field, a single field is marked half on the floor and half on the wall. This creates a target window on the wall and a target area on the floor, with half of the centre zone in between, which must not be played on. Two such wall fields are marked directly next to each other. The participants play 1 against 1 with larger angles and a greater range of movement.
reduce the required area and use the wall field in a variety of ways.
- play the two wall fields in a specific order (e.g. li-li-re-re-re etc.).)
Make it more difficult:
- mark the two squares on the wall with some distance (approx. 50 cm) between them
- draw several additional squares next to each other for more game options and more intensive shifts; the landing zones must be enlarged at the sides
Pro Tn:
1 racket (street racket)
Pro group:
1 ball (street racket)
1 wall
chalk, paint, spray, adhesive tape