Exercises (646)
Shadow run
Stimulate circulation
Group work
2-4 groups
Change partners/groups on the sports director's signal
The person in front moves freely with a skipping rope (forwards or backwards, with speed variation) in the hall/area and incorporates various exercise forms (e.g. two-legged, one-legged, only right/left leg first, etc.). The partner/group members imitate the movements identically. Swap positions from time to time (e.g. at the whistle of the sports instructor) or even incorporate partner changes.
Per participant:
1 skipping rope
Sport leader:
1 signalling device (e.g. hand whistle, tambourine)
Shadow run
Stimulate circulation
Group work
2-4 groups
Change partners/groups on the sports director's signal
The person in front moves freely (forwards, backwards or sideways, with speed variation) in the hall/area and incorporates various forms of movement (e.g. crossing legs, circling arms, crouching, touching the floor, etc.). The partner/group members imitate the movements identically. The participants try to set impulses on the music bow (2x8), accents on certain beats (e.g. 1,3,5) or simply move to the music. Swap positions from time to time (e.g. at the whistle of the instructor) or even change partners.
1 music system incl. music (various)
Sports director:
1 signalling device (e.g. hand whistle, tambourine)
Shooting gallery
Stimulate circulation
Group work
2 teams
Two teams face each other behind two defined lines. In the centre of the lines are vaulting boxes or long benches on which there are various targets (e.g. medicine balls or small huts). The participants try to hit the targets with targeted shots/throws so that they land in the opponent's field behind the vaulting boxes or long benches. The target shots may only be made from behind the throwing line. The baseline, but not the centre line, may be crossed to retrieve new throwing objects. There are numerous throwing objects (e.g. balls, frisbees or Indiacas) in both zones at the start of the game.
Variant I:
The sports director can specify various throwing/striking techniques.
Variant II:
Throws at the targets are made while standing on an unstable surface.
Per participant:
1 stick/stick ►intercrosse/lacrosse, smolball, floorball
1 medicine ball/foam/softball/balance cushion/balance board ►unstable surface
2-3 long benches/swinging box ►platform for targets
x cones/marking cones/cups/medicine balls/painting sticks ►targets
x balls/throwing discs ►basketball, Frisbee Ultimate, FooBaSKILL, Futsal/Football, Handball, Intercrosse/Lacross, Smolball, Tchoukball, Floorball
Snake catching
Stimulate circulation
Group work
Two participants designated for catching hold hands and start chasing the other participants. Each participant who is caught joins the "hunters". The resulting snake must always remain intact. The game ends when the last player has been caught.
If the snake is larger than three participants, the snake is split up (4 participants make two new snakes with two participants each).
No material required
Snake run
Stimulate circulation
Group work
8-15 participants per column
A single column with a distance of approx. 2 metres between the participants moves at a relaxed pace. The runner at the back moves to the front (also possible in a slalom). After the runner at the back has passed a few other runners, the next runner can start.
Some forms of movement can be integrated into the snake run (crossing legs, arm circles, hopping run, etc.), which are determined either by the runner at the front or by the sports leader.
No material required
Snap ball
Stimulate circulation
Group work
2 teams
Two teams play against each other in a limited playing area. The team with the ball/disc tries to keep the ball in their own ranks for as long as possible by passing the ball (back passes may be prohibited). You are not allowed to move with the ball/disc (star step allowed). The opposing team tries to intercept the ball. If this is successful, the roles are changed. There is also a change of roles/ball/disc if the ball/disc falls to the ground (both when a teammate drops it and when an opponent knocks the ball/disc to the ground/intercepts the pass), the ball leaves the playing field or, if necessary, after a point is scored. Ways to win points:
- 10 consecutive passes
- Pass between the legs to a teammate (both feet on the ground)
- Pass behind the back to a teammate
- Header to a teammate after a pass
The teams try to score as many points as possible in a given time. There is no change of roles/ball in this form of the game
1 ball/throwing disc (Frisbee) ►Basketball, Frisbee Ultimate, FooBaSKILL, Rugby/Football, Handball, Tchoukball
4 marking cones/caps ►Field markings
One group:
x game ribbons/ribbons ►Team identification
Sport leader:
Stopwatch ►Variant
Shoe hit
Stimulate circulation
Group work
The aim is to hit the other participants on the shoes with the floorball. Whoever is hit completes an additional task (e.g. a strength exercise such as push-ups, trunk bends or five double jumps over the stick lying on the ground).
Variant I:
2 teams, with one team trying to hit the opposing team's shoes in a limited playing area (integrate several balls into the game, but not too many so that the game leader can keep an overview). Which team will score more goals in a given time?
Variant II:
2 teams, with one team trying to hit the opposing team's shoes in a limited playing area (integrate several balls into the game, but not too many so that the game leader can keep an overview). If a player is hit, he leaves the pitch until the end of the game and performs an additional task outside the pitch (e.g. forearm support or sitting on the wall). Which team has eliminated all participants faster?
1 stick ►unihockey
1 ball ►unihockey
4 marking cones/caps ►court markings (variant)
x playing ribbons/bibs ►team identification (variant)
4-5 balls ►unihockey (variant)
Swing box dismantling
Increase pulse
Group work
2 teams
The game is played with the ball in the hands. Swedish boxes act as goals. When a group has scored a goal, they can take away one of the opponent's goal boxes to make it smaller. The winner is the group that scores a goal on the last box element.
You are not allowed to move with the ball. The opposing team tries to intercept the ball. If they succeed, the roles change. Ball changes also occur when the ball falls to the ground, the ball leaves the playing field or, if necessary, after a point is scored.
2 vaulting boxes
1 ball (hand/soft or smolball)
x bibs
Swing box dismantling
Increase pulse
Group work
2 teams
The game is played with the ball in the hands or on the foot. Swedish boxes act as goals. When a group has scored a goal, they can take away one of the opponent's goal boxes to make it smaller. The winner is the team that scores a goal on the last box element.
You are not allowed to move with the ball. The opposing team tries to intercept the ball. If they succeed, the roles change. Ball changes also occur when the ball falls to the ground, when the ball leaves the pitch or, if necessary, after a point is scored.
2 Swedish box
1 ball (foot-, hand-, soft- or smolball)
x jersey
Swing box dismantling
Increase pulse
Group work
2 teams
Swedish boxes act as goals. When a group has scored a goal, they can take away a box element from the opponent's goal so that this goal becomes smaller. The winner is the group that scores a goal on the last box element.
2 Swedish box
1 floorball
x bibs
1 floorball stick
Swing box dismantling
Increase pulse
Group work
2 teams
Swedish boxes act as goals. When a group has scored a goal, they can take away a box element from the opposing goal so that this goal becomes smaller. The winner is the group that scores a goal on the last box element.
The following rules apply to the game form:
- The ball, which is balanced on the stick, may be carried a maximum of 4 steps and must then be passed immediately.
- The ball may be touched a maximum of 4 times before it is played on.
- The ball at rest on the stick, without movement of the player, may be held for a maximum of 4 seconds.
- The ball may not be covered with the racket or the body, but must be played on immediately.
- It is not permitted to actively play the ball with the foot or lower leg, with the hand, the arm or the head (free hit).
- If the ball leaves the field of play, it is put back into play by a free hit by the opposing team at the place of action.
2 Swedish box
1 Smolball
x bibs
Per Tn:
1 Smolball bat
Seasickness relay
Increase pulse
Group work
4-5 participants per group
A marker cone is located at the reversal point, which must be circled 15 times. During the turns, both hands grasp the cone (alternatively, the head can also be placed on the hands). The group counts the number of laps out loud and calls the runner back after the last turn, who probably tries to reach the group while staggering to send the next runner onto the course.
Releases: Run over a line (with a handshake), through a gate, around the group with a handshake (on the back), crawl through the legs of the next runner, hand over an object, etc.
Per group:
2 marking cones
Seasickness relay
Increase pulse
Group work
4-5 participants per group
The runners run to the reversal point equipped with a Smolball stick, floorball/intercrosse stick or Nordic walking stick. At the turning point, the stick/stick is held vertically to the ground. Then make 15 rotations (as quickly as possible) around the stick/stick. During the rotations, both hands hold the stick/stick blade and the head is placed on the upper hand. The group counts the number of turns out loud and, after the last turn, calls the runner back, who probably tries to reach the group while staggering, in order to hand the stick/stick to the next runner and send them on their way.
Per group:
1 Nordic walking, intercrosse or floorball stick
1 Smolball stick
rope catching
Stimulate circulation
Group work
All participants stuff a rope down the back of their trousers so that half of the halved rope hangs out visibly. Each participant then tries to grab as many ropes as possible. Even those who have no more rope continue to take part in the game. A playing field limit that may not be exceeded can be set if necessary. The winner is the player who has grabbed the most ropes at the end.
Whoever loses their rope is eliminated and performs an additional exercise at the edge of the playing field (e.g. forearm support or wall sitting). From time to time, the playing field is reduced in size (as the number of participants decreases). Who can hold on to their rope until the end?
Per participant:
1 skipping rope
4 marking cones/caps ►Field boundary (optional)
Rope swinging
Stimulate circulation
Group work
Group of 3
Two participants swing the rope (2-3 skipping ropes knotted together). One participant goes to the centre from one side, jumps over the rope a few times and runs out on the other side. The jumper runs behind the swinger and returns to the centre. The jumper thus moves in the shape of an eight. Once the participant has completed a few rounds, the positions are swapped.
Depending on the direction of the swing, there is an easier and more difficult side to get to the centre.
Variant I:
In the centre, try to pick up an object (e.g. a hat or a coin) and put it down again.
Variant II:
Start in the centre, starting position sitting or in the push-up position. In these positions, try to jump over the rope as it swings past.
Per group:
2-3 skipping ropes or 1 rope/rope
1 marking cone ►Variant
Skipping rope
Increase pulse
Group work
4-6 participants per group
At the start, a dice is rolled to determine how many jumps must be performed with the skipping rope at the reversal point (e.g. number of dice x 5 = number of jumps). After rolling the dice, the runner runs to the reversal point and performs the number of jumps determined by the dice before being allowed to return to the group to hand over to the next runner, who in turn defines the number of jumps with the dice.
Per group:
1 skipping rope
1 dice
2 colouring sticks
Skipping rope
Increase pulse
Individual work
At a signal from the instructor, the participants switch from leisurely rope jumping to very fast rope jumping on the spot until the instructor gives another signal. The exercise is repeated a few times to increase the heart rate several times.
Pull the knees up to the navel while jumping rope (skipping) or supplement the rope jumping with other short intensive exercises (e.g. integrate a push-up and a stretch jump on a signal).
1 skipping rope
Skipping rope
Stimulate circulation
Individual work
Stand upright on the balls of your feet with your feet shoulder-width apart, holding a skipping rope in your hands. Continuous hopping in place and simultaneous swinging of the rope (under the feet and overhead). Make sure that the heels are not completely off the ground (jumping on the balls of the feet/tips of the toes). The upper body should always remain upright while jumping (keep the torso tensed).
Jumping rope with low intensity (slow swinging, also incorporate breaks) is suitable for stimulating the circulation. By integrating different jumping forms, jumping can be made more varied through variation (e.g. double jumps, crossing arms, alternating left/right heel taps on the floor, straddle jumps, jumping in step position, alternating jumps, etc.). Pulling the tips of your feet towards your knees with each jump (bending your feet) is another way to vary your jumping.
1 skipping rope
Skipping rope
Increase pulse
Individual work
Stand upright on the balls of your feet with your feet shoulder-width apart, holding a skipping rope in your hands. Continuous hopping in place and simultaneous swinging of the rope (under the feet and overhead). Make sure that the heels are not completely off the ground (jumping on the balls of the feet/tips of the toes). The upper body should always remain upright during jumping (keep the torso tensed).
Jumping rope at high intensity (fast swinging) is a good way to get the heart rate up at the end of the warm-up (e.g. 8 x 20-second workload and 10-second break phase or 3 x 30-second workload with 1-minute break). The two-legged hopping can also be converted into a race on the spot (skipping) to further increase the intensity.
1 skipping rope
Ropeway tunnel
Increase pulse
Group work
Several groups of two line up in one or two rows (outward and return journey) and form one or two tunnels, so to speak. A distance of approx. 5 metres is maintained between the pairs. The rest of the participants line up in a column in front of the first group of two. The jumpers choose a swing direction and a rhythm together and then try to cross the tunnel. One swing direction is much easier. The aim is for the entire group to pass through the tunnel with/without intermediate jumps and, above all, without any interruptions/errors between the jumpers. The positions of the swimmers and runners are changed from time to time.
Per group of 2:
2-3 skipping ropes or 1 rope/rope
Independent preparation
Transition main part
Each participant uses the time provided to prepare specifically for the following sporting requirements according to their own needs (e.g. additional mobilisation/dynamic stretching exercises, short forms of strengthening or sprints).
Sitting ball
Stimulate circulation
Group work
The participants try to hit another player with a foam/softball (for safety reasons, only leg hits may be allowed). A maximum of three steps may be taken with the ball. If you are hit, you have to complete an additional exercise (e.g. wall sitting or forearm support) until the player who previously hit you is hit. If a thrown ball can be caught, the thrower must perform the additional exercise.
If a participant is hit, they move into the "crab position" (four-foot stance facing upwards). If he catches a standing participant by the legs or a ball, he may actively participate in the game again. The participant who has been caught moves into the "crab position" as a punishment.
5-6 foam/soft balls
Cross-country ski ergometer
Stimulate circulation
Individual work
The cross-country ski ergometer offers an extremely effective combination of strength-building and endurance training. The focus of the training is on the arms and shoulders, but the torso, back and even the legs are also involved, so that you can speak of a holistic stimulus. The movements are rhythmic and also easy on the joints, making it an ideal programme as part of a warm-up to stimulate the circulation (choose a moderate speed).
Movement execution:
Working with the cross-country ski ergometer does not require any previous knowledge of winter sports, the technique is beginner-friendly and quick to learn. However, there are a few points to bear in mind: Firstly, stand with your feet slightly more than shoulder-width apart (how close you stand to the device is a matter of taste, although taller people usually prefer a greater distance in order to achieve a full arm extension at the starting point and therefore ultimately a longer stroke). The hands should also be just outside the shoulders when gripping the handles. As the handles of the device are attached to freely movable hinges, you can easily rotate them to your optimum position. The edges of the hand, including the little finger, should be placed on the thickened end of the handle, allowing more pressure to be applied. At the beginning of the pull, the entire body is stretched, only the arms remain slightly bent, the handles are now pulled downwards at an angle until the hands are just below the knees (a V-shaped curve, where the hands move sideways away from the body, is avoided). At the lowest point, the elbows are fully extended while the knees are minimally bent (comparable to the starting position of a jump). In the return phase, the body straightens up again completely, synchronised with the backswing of the arms. Lifting your heels off the ground is perfectly fine, especially at higher speeds.
Do not turn every repetition into a squat, as this will tire your legs too quickly. Take a deep breath before each pull on the machine and keep the abdominal muscles under constant tension.
The intensity is controlled by adjusting the air valve. The higher the lever is moved on the scale (1-10), the wider the flap opens and the more air can flow into the bike. More air means more resistance in the initial phase of the pull (comparable to a higher pedalling resistance in the higher gears on a bicycle). It is important to find a setting at which a continuous and controlled pressure can be maintained. If the setting is too high, the air resistance initially has to be overcome with an excessively strong pull and the remaining range of motion "runs into nothing", which is a waste of energy. If you pay attention to the background noise, you will get a suitable indicator: the aim should be to achieve the smoothest possible whirring with only slight peaks in the initial phase of the pull. Most exercisers tend to over-optimise the resistance setting. As is so often the case, less is more; levels 6-7 work well for men and 4-6 for women, with exceptions for particularly heavy and strong athletes.
The double pole technique is usually used for training, which means that both arms work in synchronisation with each other. The diagonal technique, in which the arms are used alternately, is less common but can be used as a variation. It achieves lower speeds than the simultaneous use of the arms, but is certainly suitable as an occasional training stimulus, which above all creates a healthy rotation of the spine and a strain on the lateral trunk muscles. The diagonal technique can also correct imbalances in unevenly developed back and arm muscles (e.g. after injuries).
1 cross-country ski ergometer
Cross-country ski ergometer
Increase pulse
Individual work
The cross-country ski ergometer offers an extremely effective combination of strength-building and endurance training. The focus of the training is on the arms and shoulders, but the torso, back and even the legs are also involved, so that one can speak of a holistic stimulus, whereby the movements are rhythmic and at the same time gentle on the joints. The machine can be ideally used at the end of the warm-up to really get your heart rate up (e.g. 8 x 20-second exercise and break phase or 4 x 30-second exercise with 1-minute break).
Movement execution:
Working with the cross-country ski ergometer does not require any previous knowledge of winter sports, the technique is beginner-friendly and quick to learn. However, there are a few points to bear in mind: Firstly, stand with your feet slightly more than shoulder-width apart (how close you stand to the device is a matter of taste, although taller people usually prefer a greater distance in order to achieve a full arm extension at the starting point and therefore ultimately a longer stroke). The hands should also be just outside the shoulders when gripping the handles. As the handles of the device are attached to freely movable hinges, you can easily rotate them to your optimum position. The edges of the hand, including the little finger, should be placed on the thickened end of the handle, allowing more pressure to be applied. At the beginning of the pull, the entire body is stretched, only the arms remain slightly bent, the handles are now pulled downwards at an angle until the hands are just below the knees (a V-shaped curve, where the hands move sideways away from the body, is avoided). At the lowest point, the elbows are fully extended while the knees are minimally bent (comparable to the starting position of a jump). In the return phase, the body straightens up again completely, synchronised with the backswing of the arms. Lifting your heels off the ground is perfectly fine, especially at higher speeds.
Do not turn every repetition into a squat, as this will tire your legs too quickly. Take a deep breath before each pull on the machine and keep the abdominal muscles under constant tension.
The intensity is controlled by adjusting the air valve. The higher the lever is moved on the scale (1-10), the wider the flap opens and the more air can flow into the bike. More air means more resistance in the initial phase of the pull (comparable to a higher pedalling resistance in the higher gears on a bicycle). It is important to find a setting at which a continuous and controlled pressure can be maintained. If the setting is too high, the air resistance initially has to be overcome with an excessively strong pull and the remaining range of motion "runs into nothing", which is a waste of energy. If you pay attention to the background noise, you will get a suitable indicator: the aim should be to achieve the smoothest possible whirring with only slight peaks in the initial phase of the pull. Most exercisers tend to over-optimise the resistance setting. As is so often the case, less is more; levels 6-7 work well for men and 4-6 for women, with exceptions for particularly heavy and strong athletes.
The double pole technique is usually used for training, which means that both arms work in synchronisation with each other. The diagonal technique, in which the arms are used alternately, is less common but can be used as a variation. It achieves lower speeds than the simultaneous use of the arms, but is certainly suitable as an occasional training stimulus, which above all creates a healthy rotation of the spine and a strain on the lateral trunk muscles. The diagonal technique can also correct imbalances in unevenly developed back and arm muscles (e.g. after injuries).
1 cross-country ski ergometer
Slalom relay
Increase pulse
Group work
4-5 participants per group
One runner runs in a slalom to the turning point (e.g. colouring stick, marker cone or cone) or to the hall wall and back. On the way back, the runner either also performs a slalom or runs directly to the group to send the next runner onto the course.
At the first and last obstacle or at each obstacle (e.g. painting stick, marker cone or cone), perform a complete turn around the slalom marker.
Replacements: Run over a line (with a handshake), through a gate, around the group with a handshake (on the back), crawl through the legs of the next runner, hand over an object, etc.
Per group:
5-7 colouring sticks