Exercises (79)
Climbing technique on the pole
Practise the climbing technique on the pole:
- Sitting on a vaulting box
- Jumping from the ground or vaulting box to the pole and holding on for a few seconds
- Climbing up the pole to the mark
- Walking from pole to pole up to the mark
- Slaloming through the climbing poles
Variant I:
Chamber climbing: climb up the pole to the mark by pressing your back against the wall and your feet against the pole (note: the climbing poles must not move).
Variant II:
Walk up a pole, so to speak, by holding on with both hands, pressing the tips of your feet against the pole, leaning your upper body backwards and moving upwards step by step.
1 climbing pole
2-6 soft mats (small)
1-2 vaulting boxes
Lazy Vault I
Individual work
Approach at a 45 degree angle to the vaulting box, one-legged jump with the leg facing away from the box, the hand facing the box rests on the vaulting box, the swinging leg is guided straight up over the box, the jumping leg follows its movement, landing in a sitting position on the vaulting box, pushing off with both arms to stand upright.
Change the position of the landing on the vaulting box (in the centre or on the far edge).
1 vibratory box
2 soft mats (small)
Post setup:
Place two soft mats behind a vibratory box.
Lazy Vault II
Individual work
Approach at a 45 degree angle to the vaulting box, one-legged jump with the leg facing away from the box, the hand facing the box supports itself on the vaulting box, the swinging leg is guided straight up over the box, the jumping leg follows its movement, push off from the vaulting box with both hands to land in an upright position behind the vaulting box.
Exercise performed over a horizontal bar. A soft mat is leant against the horizontal bar for safety (►indoor version).
1 vaulting box ► indoor version
1-2 soft mats (small) ► indoor version
1 horizontal bar ► variation of the exercise
Indoor set-up:
Place two soft mats behind a vaulting box.
Variation: place a small soft mat on the horizontal bar.
Obstacle to jump over (wall or pole/fence).
Group work
Various equipment/posts are distributed around the hall (e.g. uneven bars, horizontal bars at different heights, wall bars, vaulting box, soft mats, horse, etc.). The participants think independently about how to pass/overcome the obstacles and put together a small course. After a short preparation time, each participant demonstrates their run to the rest of the group.
According to the selected item selection
Pop Vault
Individual work
Frontal run-up to the front of the vaulting box, one-legged jump, push off upwards with the other leg on the mat, simultaneously pushing the body upwards with the hands on the top of the vaulting box to stand on the vaulting box.
2 vaulting boxes
2 soft mats (small)
2 skipping ropes
Post structure:
Stack the elements of two vaulting boxes on top of each other, attach a soft mat to the front using a skipping rope.
Powerrolle I
Individual work
Lean forwards from a standing position, place your chin on your chest, rest one arm on a soft mat (on the grass ► outdoor variation), place your rolling arm on the back of your forearm, look under your outstretched arm, roll forwards over the shoulder of the bent arm directly to the standing position.
Jump roll after a run-up onto a large soft mat, bringing your arms forwards in the air to cushion the impact and initiate the roll (►indoor variant).
1 soft mat (large) ► indoor version
2-3 soft mats (small) ► indoor version
Indoor post setup:
Lay out the soft mats in a row.
Powerrolle II
Individual work
Jump roll over medicine balls, bringing the arms forwards in the air after the horizontal jump to cushion the impact and initiate the roll, place the roll arm on the back of the forearm, look under the outstretched arm, roll forwards over the shoulder of the bent arm directly to the standing position.
3 soft mats (small)
3 medicine balls
Post set-up:
Lay out the soft mats in a row and place the medicine balls on top (spacing depending on the desired jumping distance)
Powerrolle III
Individual work
Short run-up, one-legged jump (on the long bench/swinging box top ► indoor version) over an obstacle (high jump facility/swinging box/horse ► indoor version), landing on the feet with an immediate roll (place the rolling arm on the back of the forearm, look under the outstretched arm, roll forwards over the shoulder of the bent arm directly to the standing position).
1 high jump facility (2 uprights with crossbar) or vaulting box/pommel horse ► indoor version
1 long bench ► indoor version
2 soft mats (small) ► indoor version
Post set-up indoor:
Place long bench approx. 1m in front of the high jump facility (parallel). 1m in front of the high jump area (parallel), lay out soft mats behind it.
grass area with obstacle (elevation or participant as obstacle replacement).
Precision jump I
Individual work
Jump from the top of the vaulting box onto the horizontal bar and then maintain your balance on it for as long as possible.
Change the distance between the vaulting box and the horizontal bar;
Change the height of the horizontal bar and/or vaulting box;
Jump off after a running start;
Jump with a 180 or 360 degree turn.
Jump from one elevation to the other. Catch the jump in a controlled manner and keep your balance.
1 horizontal bar (pole) ►indoor version
1 soft mat (large) ►indoor version
1 vaulting box ►indoor version
Indoor post setup:
Fix the horizontal bar at a height of approx. 50 cm, set up a vaulting box (2 elements incl. top section) in front of it, place a soft mat underneath.
Two elevations (e.g. walls, steps, projections on houses, etc.) within jumping distance.
Precision jump II
Individual work
Perform various jumps from the long benches to the top section of the vaulting box and vice versa.
- Change the distances between the long benches and the top section of the vaulting box
- Additional vaulting box elements to change the height
- Jumps with 180 or 360 degree rotation
3 long benches
1 vaulting box (top section)
Post set-up:
Place the long benches in a triangle with the narrow side facing upwards, place a vaulting box top section in the centre.
Precision jump III
Individual work
Jump from bench to bench, at the end hop onto or over the vaulting box onto the soft mat - the legs can be closed or open.
- Change the distance between the benches
- Skip over the first bench and jump directly onto the second bench
- Integrate 180 or 360 degree turns when jumping from bench to bench
3 long benches
1 vaulting box
1 soft mat (large)
6 soft mats (small)
Post setup:
Place three upturned long benches and a vaulting box parallel to each other at a distance of approx. 50-150cm each, with small soft mats in between. There is a large soft mat behind the vaulting box.
Precision jump IV
Individual work
Balance on the narrow side of a long bench (on a narrow edge/elevation ► outdoor version) while jumping rope.
Both legs;
One leg;
1 long bench ►indoor version
1 skipping rope ►indoor version
Indoor set-up:
Position the long bench with the narrow side facing upwards and prepare a skipping rope.
Narrow elevation/edge (e.g. wall)
Jump to the slope I
Individual work
A straight run-up to the wall bars, frontal jump from a freely selectable distance, to cushion the impact, the feet first hit the soft mat attached to the wall, then immediately hold on to the wall bars with the hands.
outdoor I:
The participant takes a running start and jumps off in front of the wall, holds on to the wall and tries to overcome it.
Simplify: Just hold on to the wall and then let go again and land safely.
outdoor II:
The participant takes a running start, jumps off and holds on to the wall. The participant then tries to move along the wall in the hanging position. The knees are in front of the chest and the arms are outstretched. In order to move sideways, the front hand and the front leg must be moved simultaneously in the direction of movement.
1 wall bars ►indoor version
2 soft mats (small) ►indoor version
2 skipping ropes ►indoor version
Indoor post set-up:
Tie a set-up soft mat to the wall bars with skipping ropes, place a second soft mat on the floor in front of it.
Jump to the slope II
Individual work
Both-legged jump from a standing position from the vaulting box, to cushion the impact first hit your feet on the soft mat attached to the wall, then immediately hold on to the wall bars with your hands.
Execute the exercise from the movement with a straight run-up and frontal one-legged jump from the vaulting box.
1 wall bars
1 vaulting box
1 soft mat (medium-sized)
1 soft mat (small)
2 skipping ropes
Post set-up:
Tie a medium-sized soft mat with skipping ropes to the wall bars, place a small soft mat in front of the wall bars and a vaulting box (2-3 elements) behind it
Jump to the slope III
Individual work
Hang on the wall bars with your back to the vaulting box, jump with a 180 degree turn to the slope on the vaulting box. To cushion the impact, first hit your feet on the soft mat, then support yourself with your hands on the vaulting box and climb up onto it.
1 wall bars
1 vaulting box
1 parallel bars
1 soft mat (medium)
1 soft mat (small)
6 skipping ropes
Post set-up:
Tie a set-up medium soft mat to the wall bars with skipping ropes, place a vaulting box (6-7 elements incl. top) approx. 150cm away and attach (e.g. using skipping ropes to a parallel bar). 150cm away, place a vaulting box (6-7 elements incl. top section) and attach it (e.g. to a parallel bar using skipping ropes), attach a small soft mat to the front of the vaulting box using skipping ropes.
Twister I
Individual work
Climb onto the low bars of the uneven bars via the vaulting box, hold onto both bars with your hands, drop your legs between the two bars into the support, swing your legs forwards and jump off the uneven bars over the low bars, landing with both legs on a soft mat next to the uneven bars.
1 bar
1 vaulting box
4-5 soft mats (small)
Post setup:
Fix the uprights of a bar at different heights (height difference approx. 30-50cm), place a vaulting box in front of the bar (3-4 elements), lay out soft mats underneath
Twister II
Individual work
Stand on the vaulting box, hold on to both bars with your hands, jump with both legs into the support between the two bars, swing your legs forwards and jump off the uneven bars over the low bars, landing with both legs on a soft mat next to the uneven bars.
1 bar
1 vaulting box
4-5 soft mats (small)
Post setup:
Fix the uprights of a bar at different heights (height difference approx. 30-50cm), place a vaulting box in front of the bar (3-4 elements), lay out soft mats underneath
Twister III
Individual work
Short run-up, two-legged jump from the Reuter board into the support between the two bars of the uneven bars, swing the legs forwards and jump off the uneven bars over the low bars, landing with both legs on a soft mat next to the uneven bars.
1 bar
1 Reuter board
4-5 soft mats (small)
Post setup:
Fix the uprights of a bar at different heights (height difference approx. 30-50cm), place a Reuter board in front of the bar, lay out soft mats underneath
Twister IV
Individual work
Short run-up, two-legged jump into the support between the two bars of the uneven bars, swing legs forwards and jump off the uneven bars over the low bars, two-legged landing next to the bars.
1 bar
Post set-up:
Fix the uprights of the bar at different heights (height difference approx. 30-50cm).
Overcoming an obstacle I (ventral franchissement)
Individual work
Stand frontally to the (horizontal) bar, hips leaning against the (horizontal) bar, bend the upper body over the bar and support one arm on the opposite side on the soft mat/floor, hold on to the (horizontal) bar with the other hand next to the hip in an underhand grip, now swing the legs vertically over the horizontal bar in an arching movement to land on the feet.
1 (horizontal) bar
1 soft mat (small) ► Indoor version
Indoor post setup:
Fix a horizontal bar at hip height and place a soft mat underneath.
A bar or similar at approx. hip height.
Overcoming an obstacle II (abdominal turn)
Individual work
Support with both arms on the high bar, one hand grips the low bar (lean upper body forwards), the other hand still holds on to the upper bar next to the hips, now swing the legs vertically over the upper bar in an arching movement, landing in a standing position next to the bar on a soft mat.
1 parallel bars
4 soft mats (small)
Post setup:
Adjust the height of the parallel bars so that there is a height difference of approx. 50 cm. Lay out several soft mats under the parallel bars.
Overcoming an obstacle III (abdominal turn)
Individual work
Stand on the wall bars, support yourself with both arms on the top rung with an underhand grip, and press your hips against that rung, bend your upper body over the wall bars and grab a rung as low as possible with one hand, now swing your legs vertically over the wall bars in an arching movement, landing in a standing position on the soft mat.
1 wall bars
1 soft mat (large)
Post assembly:
Loosen the wall bars and attach them at a 90 degree angle to the wall, place a large soft mat behind them.
Wall Jump (360 degrees)
Individual work
Approach at a 45 degree angle to the wall, jump high against the wall, push off with one or both feet on the wall, (360 degree) turn (over the shoulder facing away from the mat ► indoor variant), two-legged landing.
Landing with roll;
540 degree turn in the air.
1 wall
1 soft mat (large) ►Indoor version
Indoor post setup:
Place a large soft mat on a wall.
Wall Run I
Individual work
Approach at a 45 degree angle, jump off the obstacle (vaulting box element ► indoor version) with the leg facing away from the wall and push off from the wall with the leg facing the wall for a safe landing (on the soft mat ► indoor version).
Make it easier:
To improve the grip on the wall, a small soft mat can be set up at the point of contact with the wall from which the participants can push off.
Higher obstacle (if necessary, support yourself with your hand on the obstacle as an aid).
1 vaulting box element ► indoor version
1 soft mat (small) ► indoor version
1 wall
Indoor post setup:
Place a vaulting box element on a wall (long edge pointing upwards), place a soft mat behind it.
Place an obstacle (or participant) on a wall.
Wall Run II
Individual work
Approach at a 45 degree angle, jump off in front of the vaulting box with the leg facing away from the wall and push off from the wall over the box with the leg facing the wall, landing on the soft mat.
Make it easier:
To improve the grip on the wall, a small soft mat can be set up at the point of contact with the wall from which the participant can push off.
Variant I:
After the jump, support yourself on the vaulting box with the hand facing away from the wall. Walk over the vaulting box with your feet.
Variant II:
After the jump, support yourself on the vaulting box with your hand facing away from the wall. Walk along the wall with your feet.
1 swing box
1 soft mat (small)
1 wall
Post structure:
Place the swing box (4 elements incl. top section) against a wall, place a soft mat behind it.